Untitled Chapter.

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I know the title's suspenseful, right?

First off, this is not an epilogue or a anything about a sequel. Don't get too excited!

Actually, yes; you should, because I decided to go ahead and post the first chapter of my new story, 'Climbs of Passion'. After three arduous months, I thought I came up with something good.

Here's the description:

Meet Camilla Adams. She's fifteen, ignored and introverted; and before she can begin her summer holidays, she must endure a week of her school's outdoor education camp. What originally presents itself as a boring week turns out to be the best thing that's ever happened to Camilla, as she breaks out of her shell, rediscovers her personal worth and ignites her first romance with the help of a young man completely off limits. Is it possible to fall in love with someone in five days?

So yes, it's a romance, kinda. Just not as heated as Tuff Chaser. Which is fine by me, I need to cool down. It's also got elements of that student-teacher cliche just because I felt like being cliche. Cool?

And I'm also going to begin dedicating the CoP chapters to random people who have commented/voted on Tuff Chaser.

You can check it out by the external link on the side (beside the mobile code) or going to my profile.


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