Chapter Nineteen

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Author's note: Hi again! I'd like to thank the new readers who have commented and also everyone else who's been reading!! We also entered the Fan Fiction hot list again at #707 ^____^ pretty cool right? I love this chapter :P birthdays are awesome haha. I'm going to leave you to it now, so here you go..

Chapter Nineteen 

Dallas's POV

Pony and Johnny entered the house together, both grinning madly.  

"What's up?" I asked casually, opening up the fridge and scanning my eyes over snack options.  

"Lunch at Tammy's house!" they exclaimed simultaneously. God, these two were going to make me kill myself one day. Then I registered what they had said. Had I heard right? 

"What?" I cocked my ear to one side.  

"It's her birthday a week from Saturday, didn't you know?" 

What....? It was her birthday soon and she didn't even tell me? I shook my head dumbly.  

"Some boyfriend you are," announced Two-Bit, stalking into the kitchen. "I'd do a much better job." 

Seriously, what was with this guy and me wanting to rip his head off? 

"She didn't say nothing about it to me; and if she did, I would've planned this a lot earlier," I retorted. I did feel slightly ashamed at not knowing about it.  

"Am I invited?" I asked worriedly. Maybe she didn't want me to be there. She did act as if I was a pain in the ass sometimes.  

Johnny looked shocked. "Of course you're invited! Why wouldn't you be?" 

I shrugged. "She thinks I'm annoying," I suggested.  

Two-Bit swallowed whatever he was eating. "I know the fix: birthday sex!" 

Both Pony and Johnny groaned as the thought crossed my mind. No, I wouldn't do this to her.  

"She's not ready, Two-Bit," I said, keeping my voice steady.  

He threw his hands up in exasperation. "You'll both be sixty-five and wrinkly and living in Minnesota by the time she's ready." 

I chuckled. "Don't worry, old parents are quite the fad these days." 

"Ew!" Both Johnny and Pony looked disgusted and I couldn't help but laugh at their innocence.  

"Well, I guess we'd better go get some presents then," I decided, dragging the boys along. "See you in a few, Two-Bit."

We left the mall with Johnny's floral, intricately decorated hairband and Pony's exquisite crystal fountain pen. I was proud to admit I'd been most helpful in selecting these gifts and I hoped Tammy would appreciate them as much as I thought she would. But then, she'd probably appreciate anything from those two.  

I decided that I wasn't going to buy her anything just yet. I wanted my gift to be fresh for her special day. We walked past a jewelers' and a simple but elegant necklace caught my eye. It was a silver chain with a small pendant of one half of a heart. I pushed open the door, walking in with Johnny and Pony behind me. The young sales assistant was a petite blonde and she looked me up and down, batting her eyelashes.  

"How can I help you, sir?" she purred in a sugar-coated tone.  

I ignored her obvious interest in me and pointed at the necklace.  

"Oh, that one? There's another half to it." She entered a storeroom in the back and emerged with an identical necklace. Taking the other one from its display rack, she held the two pendants together and a magnetic click sound was produced. The two halves fit perfectly into each other.  

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