Chapter Thirteen

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Author's note: Thanks for the comments on the previous chapter! Tehehehe things are about to get interesting here. Happy December and enjoy!

Chapter Thirteen 

Dallas's POV

Once outside, I leaned against the wall and prepared to light a cigarette; then I remembered she didn't like smokers. This was ridiculous. I felt as if she hated my guts. I started to think. Why was I even going this far to impress a girl? For Chrissakes', I gave her roses! Dallas Winston does not give girls roses! She'd already made it clear that she hated me. God, I was mad and sad. 

I knew I shouldn't have let Johnny and Pony come. Her attention was on them the whole time instead of on me, where it should've been. I wanted her so badly that it hurt. Every single part of me ached for her touch. She had been the only thing on my mind since I first met her and I wanted nothing more for her to be mine. Unfortunately, she was the only girl in the world who was rejecting me.  

I was not going to let her get away. I'd never been in love with anyone and I wanted her to be the first one I did. I was seventeen, and if I didn't stop my promiscuity sometime soon, I'd end up marrying some scatterbrained broad. Glory, this was completely unlike me! I was just preparing to re-enter the eatery when she stepped out.

Tammy's POV

I found him alone out the very back of the building. He was leaned against the wall, looking down at his feet. I stood in front of him and looked right into those mesmerizing brown eyes that held my gaze so intently the first time we met. "I'm sorry," I said my voice trembing ever so slightly. "I shouldn't have said things that would hurt your feelings." I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Dally, look at me. I'm sorry if you're mad because of me. I don't actually hate you as much as you make it out to be, you know. I honestly really appreciate the flowers, that was incredibly sweet of you. I appreciate it."  

He was looking at me now, and I smiled at him, hoping he'd accept my apology. I couldn't stand others being upset because of me.  

He nodded slowly, and then leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

Every inch of my body exploded as my mind started spinning. I couldn't feel the ground beneath me as I arched my body against his and tangled my fingers in his hair. Something electric was released inside me and sparks shot through my body. His lips were hungry and passionate and my knees almost buckled underneath me. I instinctively pressed my body to his, feeling the warmth he always seemed to have. He pulled me closer and broke the kiss. It was slightly hard because I was so much shorter than him and I had to crane my neck to look into his eyes properly. They were full of something I'd never seen before.  

He reached into his back pocket, took out something and slid it onto my finger. It was his ring. How in the world did he get it? I was sure I'd left it on my dressing table.  

"Looks like someone's been snooping through my room," I whispered.  

He winked at me and leaned down to kiss me again.

Dallas's POV

I was no longer angry. I kissed her and she had kissed me back. Her response confirmed that I wanted her with everything I had. I looked down at her and saw something I'd never seen before. I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was, but it was something good. Maybe she hated me less. I had kissed her and released all my pent-up anger. I now realized that my hands were slightly lower than her waist and, for the first time, I felt embarrassed and moved my hands up. She caught onto what I was thinking and a slight blush creeped onto her cheeks. "It's okay," she whispered. I grinned and placed my hands back on her ass. She kicked me in the shins.  

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