Chapter Twelve

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Author's note: Heh, Dally in this one. (; Don't forget: comments/votes/fans/feedback or anything to show that you're enjoying the story is very, very much appreciated!

Chapter Twelve 

Tammy's POV

After waving goodbye to Johnny in front of Pony's house, I continued walking down the street. The sky was pink streaked with orange and I could imagine Pony sitting out on his porch watching it. I smiled thinking about it and didn't realize I was almost walking on to the road until someone yanked me back onto the curb. I looked back, and of all people; it was Dallas Winston. He actually looked kind of mad.  

"What were you doing for Christ's sake, trying to get yourself killed or something?" 

I shook my head.  

"Jesus, Tammy. Roads are for cars, and you ain't a car. Though I'd very much like to ride you," he added in a low voice. 

I could've slapped him right then; but instead I folded my arms across my chest.  

"I heard you broke up with what's-her-name." 

He looked at the ground. "Yeah, so what? That relationship wasn't even going anywhere anyway." 

"Oh," I mumbled. Surprisingly, he didn't say something dirty about me. "Well, see you around." 

I turned to leave but he stopped me. Glory, what was with people stopping me from going today? 

"Hey, you wanna go to the diner by the shopping center for a Coke or something tomorrow?" he asked, cocking his head to one side.  

"Sure," I said, my voice thick with sarcasm.  

"Cool, I'll drop by at three," he said grinning; and before I could protest, he ran off towards Pony's house.  

I punched myself. Why couldn't I have been straightforward and flat out refused? Too late now, I'll deal with the situation when it comes.

Dallas's POV

I fist pumped the air as I swung onto the porch of the Curtis house. Pony was there, admiring the sunset as usual. I ran past him and shook Johnny. "Hey, Dal, what's got you in a buzz?" 

Two-Bit looked up. "Yeah, Dally, you're awful excited." 

"She said yes!" I shrieked.  

Soda blinked at me. "You're, uh, getting married?" 

"No, you fool!" 

Johnny read through my mind instantly. "Dally, you know she was probably being sarcastic." 

I shrugged. "Too late to back out now." 

"What's going on, man?" Soda insisted.  

"That chick, uh, Tammy; Buck's niece, you know?" I raised my eyebrows in questioning.  

"Oh! The short, dark one!" Soda piped up.  

"Yeah, well, she and I are hanging out at the shopping center tomorrow," I said proudly.  

Soda grinned. "She's a pretty little thing. If it wasn't for Sandy..." 

I felt like making a 'screw Sandy' remark, but I wasn't in the mood for being attacked, even by Sodapop.  

"What happened to Syl, huh?" Steve appeared in the doorway.  

"Sylvia? Oh, I broke up with her," I stated matter-of-factly.  

I flopped back on the couch and laughed. In no time, I'd have this little broad under my spell; and I'd finally get to do what I wanted to do since the first day.  

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