Chapter Fifteen

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Author's note: Hello! So, I'm overseas now and living with my grandparents who didn't have Internet until my supergeek mother came along and fixed their wifi, hence why I'm able to upload *cue applause* oh, and there's a small cliffhanger here, I think... 


Chapter Fifteen 

Dallas's POV

I was amazed that she liked my sandwiches. I took some creative liberties with food every now and then just because I liked things to be shaken up; be a little different.  

We were driving back to her house to pick up her Mom and Buck. I glanced sideways at her and smiled at my handiwork. The bite mark was completely concealed. Her shiny black hair was flowing loosely behind her and her brown eyes glinted in the twilight. She was actually beautiful. So beautiful that I got distracted.  

"Hey!" she yelled, as the car veered toward the curb.  

"Sorry!" I steered the vehicle back on track and thankfully, arrived at her house in one piece.  

Her mother came running out. "Tammy! You're late!" 

Then she saw me standing awkwardly behind her. "Oh, hi Dallas!" 

Her eyes narrowed. "What were you doing with Tammy that took you so long?" 

I tensed up. Just then, Buck appeared in the doorway. "They're friends," he stated casually, winking at me.  

I nodded in agreement. Remembering to be polite, I turned to Tammy's mom. "Good evening, Mrs Hicks. I'm awfully sorry Tammy is home late. You see, I'd love for your whole family to join me at the Curtis house tonight. They have requested your company." 

Holy shit! Those were some huge words! 

Tammy's mom relaxed. "Sure, gimme a sec." 

She turned and ran up the stairs, shaking her little ass. Tammy had definitely inherited that, I thought, smiling to myself.  

Buck glanced over my shoulder. "Shit Dally, where'd you get a Ferrari?" 

I grinned proudly. "Sodapop." 

"He gets everything. Girls, cars..." 

"Don't worry, just 'cause you ain't got no girlfriend." 

"You shut your trap. You're the one who hasn't had any action for a while!" 

I considered this for a while. It was true.

"Well," I said shifting. "Perhaps your niece would like to give me some." 

"Give you some what?" 

Crap! Tammy had appeared. "Give you some what?" she asked again.  

"Nothing!" I said, a little too loudly and decided to change the subject. "Who'd like to ride shotgun?" I asked.  

"The kids'll go in the back," Tammy's mom decided, adjusting her purse.  

Buck snorted at being called a kid. "Sure, ma'am," I said and opened the door for her. 

Being careful to lower my driving speed, I turned onto the road.

Tammy's POV

A shabby looking house in desperate need of repainting stood before us. Was this really where Ponyboy lived? I guess the kids at school hadn't been lying when they said greasers were financially unstable. I suddenly felt out of place in my flash outfit. Making sure not to say anything embarrassing, I followed Dally in.  

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