Chapter Twenty

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Author's note: How is everyone? Well, so this chapter is rather cute and a bit mushy :3 and you get to meet a new and adorable character! Something big happens for Dally as well.

Oh and thank you to everyone who commented on the last chapter! Keep those coming (: 

And if you know anyone who might enjoy this story, you should recommend it. Just saying.

I'll shut up now, so voila!

Chapter Twenty 

Tammy's POV

"Do you want to see your present from Buck and I?" my mom asked after I had blown out my candles. 

I nodded enthusiastically. The two of them had been winking at each other and sending knowing glances in front of me all week and it had bugged the hell out of me, not knowing what they were in on.  

As if on cue, Buck's T-bird rolled into the driveway and he stepped out, opened the door to the backseat and dug around for a bit, retrieving... 

A small, silky-eared, caramel-colored puppy.  

I gasped in delight as I hugged my mom. Then I ran to Buck and squeezed the life out of him before patting the dog.  

"Hi sweetie," I whispered to him. "Welcome to your new home." 

He looked back up at me with large eyes. I picked him up and carried him over to Cherry, who didn't hesitate to ruffle him all over.  

Two-Bit frowned. "This boy's getting all the attention." 

I laughed at him. "He's a lot more special." 

Dally snaked his arm around my waist and I looked up into his eyes. "What are you gonna call him?" he asked, peering at the puppy as if it were some dangerous creature. 

"I don't know. Perhaps you could give some ideas." 

"Dally Winston Jr." 

"No!" I shot back instantly, a little too loudly and quickly.  

The corners of his mouth turned down and he pouted adorably, much to my dismay. "Fine, but we have to name our son that." 

My heart stopped. "Whoa, wait. Who said anything about us having a son?" I said, trying to keep my voice steady.  

He shrugged. "I was joking." 

"Oh. I think I'm going to call him Silky." 

Dally raised his eyebrows. "Seriously?" 

I frowned. "Why not?" 

"Silky's so girly." 

"No, I like Silky," Pony interjected.  

"See?" I said, sticking my tongue out at my boyfriend.  

He muttered something under his breath and asked, "What time is it?" 

"Three," called Two-Bit.  

I blinked in surprise. "One, he has really good hearing," I remarked, looking over to where Two-Bit was cracking jokes with Steve and Soda, "and two, how did he know the time?" 

"Oh, he swiped a real tuff-looking watch the other day," Dally answered in a bored voice. "So it's three." 

I suddenly remembered something. "Are you staying the night?" 

He smirked at me. "Do you want me to?" 

I knew what he was trying to make me do. He wanted me to offer it to him. Fat chance of that happening. "It's up to you; I don't really care," I replied as sweetly as I could.  

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