Chapter Six

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Author's note: Hello, lovely readers! I actually really love this one because there's a bit of emotion involved...(; well, I leave you to it then.

Remember, comments/fans/votes/sharing is always appreciated (;

Chapter Six
Dallas's POV

I leaned against the exterior wall of the house and bent my head to light a cigarette.
There were a few people out here on the porch. A group of boys were talking heartily. Another two girls were giggling together about something. Probably me, I thought. Off to the side, there was someone leaning over the railing. I couldn't make out whether it was a boy or a girl because it was so dark. The person seemed to be staring up at the dark blue and purple sky.
As if on cue, someone inside switched on the porch light. The door swung open, and someone very familiar walked out.
What was he doing here? Pony didn't even like parties. Then it hit me. He probably wanted to see the first star come out. Typical Pony. Striding over to the person I was trying to identify, he spoke. "You like sunsets too?"
After a few moments of fumbling, the reply came; a gentle but firm voice, like silk. "Sometimes I watch 'em, but I'm just out here cos I wanted to get away for a few moments."
Definitely a female voice.
Pony was talking to a girl.
What the hell?
She went on. "Anyway, what are you doing here? I thought you didn't like these types of things."
"I don't. I was looking for a buddy of mine. Johnny wanted him for something and sent me here to find him."
"Who? I might've seen him. I'm playing hostess tonight."
This statement confused me. Buck was the host, not some soc!
Pony replied smoothly. "Dallas. Dallas Winston. You know him?"
The girl chuckled. Did she know me? This confused me even more, and I sure didn't like being confused. Even so, this conversation was getting interesting; so I continued eavesdropping, hoping that Pony wouldn't suddenly turn around and spot me.
"I never saw him before, but you can bet I've heard the lot about him."
Pony laughed. "Oh yeah, I ain't surprised either. Well, nice talking to you. I gotta go find Dally now."
With that, he turned away and re-entered the house.

Now that Pony was gone, the porch light no longer blocked the girl. She had her elbows propped up on the railing, and her legs were only slightly bent. I guessed she would've only been a bit taller than five foot.
The light cast a coppery outline on her dark chocolate hair, the kind of color that couldn't decide whether it was black or brown. She was in a navy blue dress that clung to her knees, and her ass looked extremely familiar. I couldn't place my finger on where I'd seen it before.

The flirt in me burst to life. I casually strolled over and leaned against the railing, cocking my head to one side. She didn't even flinch, which confused me. Usually, by this point, girls were all begging me to take them to bed. What the hell happened?

Tammy's POV

I looked at the sky. It was quickly fading from a fiery orange to dark indigo. Looking at the twilight calmed me so much. I racked my brains, thinking of a possible reason for this.
The colors in the sky; they seemed so natural. The heat from the party could well be the orange I was looking at right now, but this was real. The party felt so fake, so full of pretenders. Socs.
Socs were people. Hell, we all were. Socs were people who put on an image of rich, too-good mustang driving kids. They were so fake.
Not all Socs were like that, obviously. All of them just wanted to put on a show of their seemingly perfect lives. That must've been why the sunset was so refreshing. It was an escape from the pretense that I was living in.

The door swung open abruptly, interrupting my thoughts.
"You like sunsets too?"
I was surprised to see Pony - of all people - at a party like this, and I almost fell over backwards.
Thick, wiry arms secured my waist and I was on my feet once again.
"Sorry!" I whispered, then replied to his previous question. I really, really hoped he hadn't see the furious blush creeping I've my face.
He told me he was looking for Dallas Winston. I swear, I was the only person in Tulsa who did not know who he was! Buck had told me even the fuzz were getting used to seeing him around.
Pony and I had a brief conversation, but after a few minutes he left to track down Dallas. Back to watching the sky, I guess.

I didn't notice there was someone leaning beside me until after several minutes. The porch light revealed an exquisitely sculpted face, cast with shadows in some areas and illuminated in others; a proud nose and wispy dark hair. Full lips and mesmerizing eyes completed the picture.
This person was quite a bit taller than me, probably around six foot. He was leaning against the railing, his head cocked to one side. I silently snorted. Probably just another stupid boy I'd have to push away.
"Damn girl, where you been all my life?" the thick, lustrous voice purred.
Shit! Buck hadn't prepared me to face creeps!
The voice then proceeded to break a record for saying something dirty.
Backing away slowly, I knocked my head on the side of the pole. The boy offered his hand to help me up, but I slapped his fingers. "Don't you fucking touch me, pervert!" I screamed.
To my surprise, he laughed and dusted off his hands. I noticed that he was wearing a ring inscribed with the words 'Tuff Chaser' in cursive.
"Pervert?" he smiled, shaking his head. "I ain't no pervert." He tried to put his hand on my ass, but I slapped his fingers again.
I wasn't going to believe a word that came out of this jackass's ungodly trap. "Oh yeah? I don't think so. All you're trying to do is get in my pants."
That stream of laughter poured out smoothly again. It was an interesting sound. I didn't think I'd forget it anytime soon.
"Stop reading my mind," he whispered. I could feel his breath on my neck. It was a spot of warmth in the cool evening air. I quickly turned my head away to hide the smile creeping on the corners of my lips. God, Tammy! Time to get rid of him.
Turning around, I opened my mouth to shoo him away. Suddenly, I found myself fumbling with my words when his lips pressed gently on the tip of my nose.
"You're just too cute, you know," he smirked, his face dangerously close to mine.
I placed my hands on his chest and nudged him away from me. "Oh baby, you know you want me," he teased, stepping in again.
And, as much as I hated to admit it; I kind of did miss his warmth.

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