Chapter Sixteen

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Author's note: Heyyyy! Merry Christmas everybody! Hope you all get awesome gifts and thanks for supporting the story so far (: it means so much. I think (not sure) that this chapter is longer, but...that's a good thing, right?

Enjoy and make sure you have a great Christmas!

Chapter Sixteen 

Tammy's POV

My mind was struggling to process what I'd just heard. He'd asked me to be his girlfriend? Oh please! I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Part of me desperately wanted him and part of me kept saying no. It was an internal battle with myself; my head told me Dally was going to break his promise, I shouldn't trust him, this was a bad idea, while my heart was telling me that he was incredibly handsome, he had given up so much for me and that I'd never find a man who was sweeter to me than he was.  

Suddenly, everything Buck had said when I first found out who Dally was, and everything Johnny had told me became clear. He'd broken up with his girlfriend for me, he bought me flowers, he picked me up from school, he took me on a was hard to believe I was the reason for those actions. He really was adorable to me and treated me differently to everyone else, according to Johnny. But, to be his girlfriend, I would have to love him. Could I love him? I had a feeling that he'd forgotten what love felt like. And that was when I decided I would try to be the one to show him again.  

"Yes," I whispered into his ear, answering his question.  

That was all he needed, for he kissed me fiercely and slipped his ring onto my finger.

Dallas's POV

I lay in the bed, struggling to remember where I was. Morning sunlight was streaming through the gap in the curtains and Tammy was sleeping peacefully, her beautiful face buried in the crook of my neck. I bent my head to kiss her lightly; then it all came back to me. 

She agreed to be mine. 


I honestly couldn't wait to break the news to the gang and see their reactions. I couldn't have been feeling happier. The world looked brighter as I took in my surroundings.  

Right, I thought, time to set some boundaries for yourself, Dallas. Number one, don't screw her until she's ready. It'll be hard, but worth it. Number two, don't hurt her. Number three, don't lie to her, unless it's for her own good. Number four, don't get arrested.  

As I went through dos and don'ts, I looked at the clock. It was eleven in the morning already. Shit, we slept for a long time! Her mother was probably wondering where we'd got to.  

I looked back down at Tammy's sleeping face. She looked as cute as a button; I didn't think I'd ever seen someone look so perfect when they were asleep. Her hair swirled around her round face, her small nose digging into my collarbone. She made my heart stop and I felt as if I was living in a dream. I really couldn't believe she'd agreed to be mine last night, and I felt an immense responsibility to protect her because I wouldn't stand her getting hurt. I started worrying that she would change her mind again this morning. What if she did? What would I do then? Continue chasing after her? It would be downright embarrassing to be constantly turned down. I'd do it for her though, she just amazed me all the time and I wondered how I was going to resist myself. 

I pulled the covers back, preparing to get up. Caressing her face with my fingers, I swung one leg out of the bed; but was stopped as she grabbed my fingers and held them against her neck. I laughed, she was asleep and still wanted me. Hopping back into bed, I kissed her softly, not wanting to wake her.  

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