Chapter Seven

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Author's note: Hello! Here's this week's chapter. And I'd like to thank all you readers/voters! Your support means a lot. So, enjoy!

Chapter Seven
Dallas's POV

The broad in front of me right now was so cute. I chose to ignore a tingly sensation but she really was setting my insides on fire.
After she pushed me away, I put on my cutest face and closed the gap between us. Putting my arm around her waist, she was about to push me away again when the door opened and Buck walked out.
He saw us with our bodies so close and her hand on my chest. For one brief moment, a look of shock crossed his face; but was replaced by anger. He marched right up to me and threw me off.
"What the fuck, man?" he hissed.
"Oh, so suddenly I'm not allow to pick up chicks at your parties?" I demanded. "I think I should be the one asking what the fuck!"
He ignored me and walked over to the girl, slinging his arm around her. Oh, so they were a couple. No wonder she pushed me away. Shit, how'd Buck managed to score a broad like that?

I hitched my fingers in my pockets and trudged back into the house. The party was slowly dying down; people were passed out on the couches and glasses were spilled on the floor. It seemed like half of Tulsa was going to be experiencing a hangover in the morning!
Buck and his girlfriend were nowhere in sight. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes, sighing. This had to be the most unsuccessful party I'd been to this year, and I'd been to a lot. Plus, I'd never been rejected before. This sucked, big time.

Tammy's POV

I was half glad that Buck had come and saved me. I didn't think I would've survived hearing another word from that foul mouth!
As soon as we were out of sight, Buck hissed in my ear.
"Tamsin Sandra Hicks!" he hissed. People only ever called me by my full name when they're either super excited or super mad. I was betting on the latter in this situation.
"What?" I groaned.
"Don't. You. Ever. Do. That. Again!"
"Do what?"
"Get so close to strangers!"
I crossed my arms. "Firstly, he tried to get to me. I was merely pushing him off me when I had my that place. Secondly, I'm not a kid, so stop telling me about stranger danger!"
God, he was pissing me off!
"You don't know what that guy can do to you! Besides, I'm your uncle! In case you forgot, your mother comes home tomorrow! What would she say if you somehow became pregnant, huh?"
I laughed halfheartedly. "Pregnant? Oh Buck!"
I slapped him lightly and turned around, heading upstairs towards my room.

As I drew my curtains shut, something glinting caught my eye. A silver band was lying on my windowsill. I picked it up cautiously. It was inscribed with the words 'Tuff Chaser' in cursive. I took one look at it, then threw it on my dressing table. The world of dreams swallowed me as my eyelids closed.

I was lying on a hill with Cherry and Marcia. The sun was setting and we were lying face up, with our hands behind our heads. Suddenly, Johnny came running in from the twilight, down the street towards us; faster than I'd ever seen any human run. He looked worried. I jumped up and ran toward him, crushing him in my embrace. He yelled. "Dallas!"
"Who's Dallas?"
"He's in trouble!"
And the ground rushed up to meet me very suddenly.

I sat up in bed, shaking. Who was Dallas? Why did I keep hearing about him? Most of all, why was I so scared about someone I'd never even met?
Without thinking, I reached over and picked up the silver ring on my dressing table. The band slid down my index finger and I resumed peaceful slumber, once again.

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