Chapter Twenty-Three

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Alright, so I'm extremely proud to present to y'all my favoritest chapter in the entire story!! Drumroll please...


Chapter Twenty-Three 

Dallas's POV

Tammy's mom had suggested to her that she take me somewhere one night and have a good time, to keep her spirits up and her mind off things while I worked on solving her problem. That was how I ended up blindfolded in the back of Buck's T-Bird a few nights later. Tammy was in the passenger seat, laughing freely with Buck as we coasted down the highways.  

"Can someone please tell me where we're going?" I whined for about the fiftieth time.  

"Shut up," said Buck, who was singing along to Hank Williams on the radio. Gross.  

I could feel the wind ruffling through my hair as we sped down the road and Buck eased the vehicle to a halt. I heard him get out and open Tammy's door for her. "Thankyou, chaffeur," she giggled.  

"No problem whatsoever. Now let's get this convict out." 

"Hey!" I protested. "Can I rip off my blindfold now?" 


I carefully pulled the rag from my head and took in my surroundings. We were parked at the foot of a giant grassy hill and from my position, you could see the whole city. It was awesome.  

Buck tossed his keys at me. "That's it for me, guys. I'm going home. See you later." 

I stared dumbfounded at the car keys in my hand. "How are you going to get home without a car?" 

He laughed. "I never thought I'd see the day when you actually thought about my wellbeing!" 

I glared at him. 

"I guess I'll hitchhike. You two need the car," he said, winking at Tammy.  

She ran and hugged him, whispering something in his ear. "You're welcome," he said, kissing her on the cheek.  

"Alright, gotta go. See you Dally," he bade me goodbye, sticking his thumb up.  

Then he turned and started back down towards the main road.  

We watched him go until his retreating figure was finally out of sight.  

I turned to face Tammy. Her hair was blowing loosely in the wind, making the small wave near the bottom bounce. She caught my eye. "This is fun."  

I nodded slightly, still staring at her perfection and not knowing what to say.  

She took my hand and went to grab some baskets from the car. "We're having a picnic again, but my way!" 


She laid out a plaid cloth on the grassy area and gingerly placed each basket down. She sat cross-legged on one side and motioned for me to sit facing her.  

I finally found my speaking voice. "Tammy, this is great; thanks!" 

She smiled appreciatively. "Now, for hors d'oevre, we have tomato salad!" 

I groaned inwardly. I couldn't stand tomato and salads were girly. It was the sort of thing Pony liked.  

She must have seen my expression because she narrowed her eyes at me. "Be a good boy and eat your vegetables," she scolded, pushing a plate of the vile appetizer towards me.  

"And if I don't?" I asked teasingly.  

"I'll push you down the hill." 

"Alright." I picked up the spoon and began chugging down the salad. It was, as I predicted, disgusting.  

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