Chapter Eight

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Author's note: Hello lovelies! Here's this week's...honestly, I think Randy's a litte creepy here...haha!


Chapter Eight 

Tammy's POV

I woke up early the next morning. All thoughts of the dream last night had almost faded. It was a Friday today, and I'd agreed to walk to school with Ponyboy and Johnny. Of course Buck was completely fine with it, because this essentially meant he could lie in bed a little longer.

He called out from his room. "Remember, your mom's coming home tonight. When you get back, we gotta clean this place up." 

"Yeah, yeah," I said, rolling my eyes. "But I got a feeling it's gonna be just me cleaning." 

"You know me too well." 

I smiled and headed out the door.  

The boys were leaning against the gate, smoking.  

"You're gross," I said.  

"We know." 

Smiling, I shook my head. Pony dug his hands into his pockets. "So, how'd you find the party, Tammy?" 

"It was alright, I guess. Except for this one guy who wouldn't stop bothering me," I said, shrugging.  

Pony and Johnny exchanged knowing looks.  

I instantly walked forward and blocked the path. "What?" I warned through clenched teeth.  


"I won't get out of your way until you tell me." 

"Nothing, really; but where'd you get that from?" Pony asked, nodding in the direction of my hand. I looked down and saw that I still had the silver ring on from last night. Crap! I'd forgotten to take it off.

"Oh," I laughed nervously. "I found it on my windowsill." 

They both chuckled. 

"Creepy," they said in unison.  

I playfully punched each of them and a cloud of silence hung over for the rest of the way.

Lunchtime came. I picked up my salad and wrap, making my way over to the largest table in the cafeteria. Marcia was absent today, so I settled down in between Cherry and Randy; who didn't seem to pleased to see me.  

"What?" I asked munching, after the tenth time I caught him looking at me.  

"Are you vegetarian or something?" he said with a tone of disgust.  

"Nope, got a problem?" I said, putting my spoon down. "There's nothing wrong with not eating meat, is there?" 

He shrugged uncomfortably.  

"I don't know. You're just not like normal girls, I guess. The way you talk, the way you act." 

"I get that a lot. And I think you just failed in your attempt to downgrade me." 

This made him smile down at his hands.  

"And you're smart too. That's different." 

I dusted off my hands. "Thanks." 

With that, I tapped Cherry on the shoulder. "I'm going to chem, so Mr. Warwick doesn't give us detention for being late again." 

She stood up too. "I'm coming. Wait up!" 

I turned around and started walking backwards through the corridor. She half skipped, half ran to catch up with me.  

"Hey Cherry." 

"Hi. So what did you think of the party?" 

"It was fine," I lied.  

"Fine?" Cherry threw her hands up. "It was radical! Hey, you were playing hostess." She leaned in and her voice dropped with a whisper. "Bob didn't screw around, did he?" 

I laughed lightly. "No," I said, pretending to be excellent hostess I was supposed to be. "Cherry, you shouldn't be worried." 

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh no, no," she grinned. "I'm not worrying. If anything, he should be worried." 

After my mind registered a look of utter confusion on my face, she added, "I mean, he saw what you did to Randy." 

Oh. She'd assumed I'd knock the living daylights out of Bob if he cheated on her. She actually thought I'd do that for her; not that I wouldn't but it meant she considered me a close friend. This was one of the best thoughts I had all day.

Dallas's POV

Buck's sister was due to arrive home at about seven o'clock tonight, so I figured I'd help him make the most of his freedom.  

It was only four-thirty now and Buck had bribed me into helping him clean up his place after the mess last night. Only he could pull my strings like that.

I tossed the last straw in the bin. "Yeah, buddy!" 

Buck and I admired the place proudly. It really was spotless, possibly even cleaner than the state it was in when Buck's sister had left. I sat down on the sofa and lit up.  

Taking a drag, I addressed Buck. "Hey man, when did you, uh, when did you pick up that broad?" 

Buck looked at me funny. "Which broad? I got too many, you know." 

I snorted. "Short, with black hair? Big dark eyes? Asian-looking?" 

Buck thought for a moment, and a look of something between amusement, realization and shock played on his face.  

"I think I know who you're talking about," he said. "She's not mine! That would be strange as hell." 

"Well then - " I began, but the phone upstairs began to ring. Buck rolled over and dashed up.

I leaned back on the couch. If this chick wasn't Buck's girlfriend, then why was he so protective over her? He fully had his arm around her, escorting her back into the room. If they weren't a couple then, I wanted to have her. What were they, just fuck buddies? I hoped so, because I wasn't gonna screw another girl until I had her.

My fantasies were interrupted by the sound of the door opening and there she stood, in the doorway.

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