Chapter Four

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Author's note: Hey! I just want you all to know that this is the last of these short chapter will be probably double as long because action starts heating up...(;


Chapter Four
Dallas's POV

I ran around to the Curtis house. Looking through the window, I spied Two-Bit with a beer and a huge chocolate cake, watching Mickey. I flung open the door and rolled on top of him.
"Goddammit Dallas!" he half yelled.
Pony walked into the living room. "Hey Dal. What's up man?"
"Well," I said, putting my feet up, "Buck's throwing a party at his tonight. With Socs."
Just then, Darry walked in. "Dallas Winston, get your feet off the coffee table right now!"
Trust Darry to say such things.
I reluctantly put my feet down. Two-Bit was trying to get cake off his shirt.
"Hey, where's Johnnycake man?" I asked, looking around.
Pony chuckled and murmured in my ear. "On his first date, Dal."
Two-Bit guffawed. Pony grinned wider. "Honest to God Dal, you should've seen his face when the chick he fancied said yes."
I let out a stream of Dallas Winston laughter, famous for its charm.
"Who's the lucky girl, then?" I questioned.
"Uh," Pony said. "Her name's Tammy. You know, Buck's niece."

Tammy's POV

After school Johnny offered to grab me something to eat, as a way of 'showing his gratitude'. Somehow his friend Pony had got it into his head that we were dating. I rolled my eyes at that. Johnny wasn't half bad, but I didn't want to be frowned upon for hanging out with a greaser.
I figured a snack wouldn't do any harm, so we walked down to the store and bought food.

After that, he offered to walk home with me. We stopped by at the DX gas station to meet up with Pony's brother Sodapop and his buddy Steve.
Soda greeted us with a huge smile. Leaning against the gas tank, he winked at us. "Johnny, you finally picked up a chick?"
Johnny and I exchanged glances and burst out laughing.
"No way!" I exclaimed. "I'm saving myself, thanks."
"For me?" Steve asked hopefully.
"Shut your trap," I said. "You're gonna have to work harder than that."

We reached the middle class part of town, where I lived. I guess I couldn't really be a soc or a greaser, since I was kinda in the middle. I didn't mention that though.
Johnny broke the silence. "Hey Tammy, know what? You should come stop by the Curtis house sometime."
I nodded. It wasn't that I didn't want to hang with them, it was just the warnings about greasers that kids at school had said.
I decided to push those thoughts to the back of my mind to deal with later.

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