Chapter Twenty-One

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Author's note at the end :D


Chapter Twenty-One 

Tammy's POV

It was a quiet but sunny afternoon as I walked Silky down the street. I had quickly realized that he was a bit of an attention seeker and loved all the affection he was getting from my family and friends. He went crazy, yapping madly whenever he saw people. One time after school as Bob was dropping me home, Cherry asked me to fetch Silky to show him. Silky jumped to me and wagged his tail at Bob, a happy expression on his face. Bob patted him and told me he was adorable, which Silky seemed to understand because he licked Bob's hand.  

It was the weekend after my birthday, and I was headed toward the Curtis' for a small party that Steve and Soda had decided to throw. I didn't know much about it, only that Darry had insisted on no drinking, drugs and a maximum of twenty people. Soda had tried to bargain with him for more but Darry had made up his mind.  

When I got there, I went around the back of the house and tied Silky to the fence. I blew her a kiss and set off to find Pony, who I almost crashed into. He steadied me and smiled. "Hey Tammy." 

I looked up at him. "You've grown," I informed him, frowning.  

He grinned, then took my hand and led me inside.  

It wasn't what I expected. It definitely wasn't a party compared to Buck's blasts. There were a lot of people lounging around in the house, talking animatedly. When I came in with Pony, everyone stopped to look at me. I smiled politely and led Pony over to sit by Soda, who grabbed my arm and yelled at everyone to shut up. "I liked to introduce y'all to our new friend!" he yelled. "This is Dally's girl." 

I felt myself blush a little. "I have a name," I hissed.  

"Her name's Tammy!" Soda added.  

I quickly sat down next to Pony again. On the other side sat a pretty girl with soft blonde hair and blue eyes. Looking around, I noticed that she looked a lot cleaner than all the other girls in the room, who were either making out with their boyfriends or talking amongst themselves. Soda came back and put his arm around the blonde girl. "This is Sandy," he told me. She smiled warmly at me but said nothing. "Babe, this is my best friend Tammy," he told her, emphasizing the words best friend. I stuck my tongue out at him.  

"She's a really nice girl," Pony told me.  

"Soda wouldn't date someone who wasn't nice," I said.  


The so-called party was actually rather boring, probably due to the fact that everyone was sober. Darry got home at six and I stayed over for dinner. Most of the other greasers that Steve and Soda had invited had left well before, and Dally showed up at seven.  

"Hey, baby girl," he greeted me, with a kiss on the cheek.  

"Where you been?" 

"Oh," he said frowning slightly.  

"What's wrong?" 

"It's just...Sylvia threw a fit at me." 

I raised my eyebrows.  

"Basically she started insulting me and then got all emotional and tried to get me back and I just told her to fuck off," he explained.  

Darry cleared his throat. "Don't get all tonguey now, Dallas. We have a fourteen year old present." 

"I have an idea!" Two-Bit announced suddenly, making us all jump. "Let's play Spin the Bottle!" 


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