Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine 

Tammy's POV

"Thanks," I nodded to Bob as I opened the door of the backseat. "See you later, Cherry." 

The blue mustang rounded the corner, and I watched it go.  

I turned back to the house and took off my shoes at the door, placing them neatly to one side and letting myself in.  

I had barely even set my bag down before my eyes locked with a pair of familiar, desperate brown eyes. I turned and ran up the stairs as fast as I could.

It was the bastard from the other night! What the hell was he doing here? Shouldn't he be targeting other poor unfortunate souls? This was my lucky day. I didn't want to see him again, that was one thing I was sure of.  

I heard a rap on the door gently. "Go away!" I yelled.  

"It's me," came Buck's voice.  

"I'm not coming out until he's gone!" I shouted.  

I heard Buck slowly retreat down the stairs. Satisfied, I flopped backwards onto the bed. Why did that scumbag have to come along? I was looking forward to never having to see him again! I despised people who had no morals or self control which was exactly what this douche bag had. I could tell already that he was going to ruin my life. Then I remembered: the ring. I looked at my finger. The silver band shone in the afternoon light. I was surprised it hadn't slipped off my finger and I would've wanted it to. I'll give it back later, I thought to myself.

Dallas's POV

Buck scrambled down the stairs. "What the fuck is going on?" he yelled at me.  

I shrugged. "Ask her." 

"Dallas, you have obviously got something to do with this or she wouldn't have locked herself in her room!" 

"I didn't even talk to her. She just walked in, saw me and left. Man, that was the fastest I ever seen a girl run!" 

He sighed. "I hate you." 

I grinned. "Anyway, why is she here?" 


"Why's she at your place?" 

"What the hell, man. Of course she's here, she's my niece for Christ's sake!" 

His niece? Uh, oh. This was very bad.  

"Your, your niece?" I stammered, thinking I heard wrong.  

"Yeah man, I swear you're like the only person who doesn't know!" 

Suddenly, everything clicked into place.

Tammy's POV

Instead of knocking, Buck barged right in. I threw the nearest cushion at him. "Doesn't anyone have manners around here anymore?" I cried.  

"Listen Tammy," he began. "He's not as bad as you're making him out to be. He ain't gonna hurt you." 

"How would you know?" I questioned, getting defensive.  

"Why wouldn't I know?" Buck answered, sitting next to me on the bed. "Hoods aren't welcome at my parties, you know. Anyway, come downstairs now. I promise he won't hurt you." 

I sat there, contemplating on what to do. I still had his ring; might as well return it. I let Buck take my hand and we walked out.  

I crossed into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water to cool off. He was sitting on the sofa eyeing me coolly.  

"Sorry," he said, a half-smile playing on his lips. "I don't know what I did but sure, whatever." 

I retrieved my chemistry textbook and sat at the other end of the couch, precariously hanging off the edge. 

"What's that you got there?" he asked, peering over.  

"Chem," I said cautiously.  

"Uh, huh. My favorite subject!" 

"I would've thought recess was your favorite subject." 

He threw his hands up in mock horror. "Recess? Hell no! What kind of nerd likes recess?" 

I raised one eyebrow, but I was secretly laughing inside. Suddenly. I remembered the ring. "I think someone left this here the other night," I said, holding out my hand, "know who it might be?" 

He grinned; but instead of taking the ring off, he intertwined his fingers with mine. I began to shake them off, but I couldn't. They were stuck.  

I looked into the dark eyes that were so close. They burned with an intense passion and desire. He bent his head and kissed the tip of my nose again. His touch sent chills shooting through my body and I flinched.  

He leaned back and gestured to the ring. "Keep it," he said. I didn't know what to say so I nodded dumbly. When he pointed at the ring, I noticed the words 'I love you' scrawled along his arm in pen ink.  

"Who wrote that?" I asked curiously.  

He looked at his arm, raising his eyebrows. That gaze fell on me again. "Sylvia. She's my bitch of a girlfriend." 

"Yours? And she loves you, of all people. Is she retarded?" I muttered to myself.  

"You know I'd wave her goodbye in a heartbeat, baby," he purred, eyeing me seductively.  

"You're a creep." 

"You're just jealous of her." 

"No way in hell." 

He stick out his bottom lip. "C'mon baby, don't play so hard to get." 

"Too bad, that's just me. Don't like it? Get out." 

"No, I like it," he murmured.  

Goddammit, was he frustrating! 

"She's off her rocker to like you." 

"Not really. Everybody loves me." he leaned in and I caught a whiff of his masculine scent. "Including you." 

"No!" I shot back instantly.  

"That's a lie, honey." 

And as much as I hated to say it, it was.

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