Chapter Eighteen

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Author's note: Sorry that this upload's a tad late; I've been out of the house ALL DAY, but at least it's here (;  

Not much to say, but do enjoy! And leave comments/votes/reads etc; that would be really really nice :D

Chapter Eighteen 

Dallas's POV

I wiped the sweat from my brow and grinned proudly at my girlfriend and my best friend, who were staring up at me eagerly. The last forty minutes were grueling; I'd been climbing underneath vehicles and into all sorts of odd positions trying to demonstrate my mechanical skills. My hard work had not gone to waste though, as Jeremy had held an impressed smile for most of the time.  

"I got it!" I half-yelled. Getting a job was a relatively new experience to me and according to Darry, it was what a real man did.  

Tammy let out a little squeal, then jumped up and hugged me. I kissed her neck, she was too adorable to resist.  

Soda leaned back in his chair. "Really?" he asked, smirking.  

I smirked back at him. Two can play at that game. "Sure did. What'd you expect?" 

"You lot better head off now." Jeremy came up and patted my back. "I think I got some visitors," he said, squinting out the window.  

"Alright, thanks man," I shook his hand again.  

"No worries, son. See you tomorrow, eight-thirty."

We settled back into the car. "Aren't y'all proud of me?" I asked cheerily, slipping on a pair of shades. Tammy squeezed my hand, while Soda merely nodded uninterestedly.  

"Hey!" I glared at him, which was pointless as he couldn't see my eyes anyway.  

Soda threw his hands up in defense. "I was kidding, man! Congratulations! I just didn't think you'd pass the test." 

I snorted. "How supportive," I murmured. "As a celebration, I'm treating us to a Coke each. Let my working life begin!"

"Dallas," Buck said, rubbing the hair at the nape of his neck, "what the hell is the matter with you these days?" 

I shrugged, downing another glass of orange juice. "Nothing much, what about you?" 

He sighed. "You quit basically everything that was important to you and got a job. You must be nuts." 

"Got a problem?" 

"I swear I don't even know you anymore." His eyes narrowed.  

"We'll start anew later. There's a half-naked girl on your bed," I remarked coolly.  

As he rushed into his room, I took the opportunity to leave and visited the Curtis house instead.  

"Hey, Dally," Pony greeted me as soon as I set foot in the door. "Where's Tammy?" 

"Home." I jerked my thumb in the approximate direction of where I came from. "Why do you wanna know?" 

I knew he liked her a lot. A bit too much for comfort, but I didn't want to be seen as a jealous creep.  

Pony shrugged. "She said she'd study with me tomorrow and I wanted to see if she was still up for it," he stated matter-of-factly.  

"I could study with you." 

"Hardee har har Dally." 

Everyone took me for a dumbass. It so wasn't fair.  

Just then, Two-Bit swung in, wearing his trademark grin. "Dallas!" He crushed me as I fought to shove him off. "Your girl is one fox," he added, winking.  

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