Chapter Three

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Author's note: Hey everyone! I've been a bit late on uploading, I know. I was going to put this one up yesterday but I had to go :( well here it is! I know these few chapters have been a bit short but I promise I'll make it up to you for chapters 5 and 6 (I think). Hahaha, enjoy and leave comments if you wish! (:

Dally's POV

Turns out I'd fallen asleep on the couch and taken a nap. I didn't realize how tired I was. Must have been last night at the bar or somethin'. I felt around for my cigarettes and couldn't find any.
That's when I saw Buck with the two packs I'd swiped last week.
"Dal, how'd you get so much weed?"
"Five finger discount, man. You know I can't miss the opportunity."
Buck took one and tossed the rest back to me.
"So Dal, what are your plans for today? You know you can't just live here all the fucking time."
I tried to pout the way girls do when they want something.
"I haven't seen your niece yet."
Buck groaned. "You'll see her soon enough. She came home while you were asleep. Now I sent her down to the shops to get some stuff."
"What stuff?"
"Stuff for tonight, man."
Buck threw his hands up in frustration. "I'm having a party."
"Where? God you fop, you gotta tell me these things."
Buck shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "My sister's outta here until tomorrow afternoon. So I'm having it here," he said quietly. "But, I don't think you gon' wanna be amongst a crowd of drunken socs, that's all I'm saying."
"Who gives a damn? I like parties."
I'd made up my mind. I wanted to go to the party. And Dallas Winston always got what he wanted.
Buck had to literally push me out the door. Well okay, maybe not always.

Tammy's POV

As soon as I got home, Buck was standing in the doorway. He took my bag and slouched in the threshold. "Listen Tam," he began. "I'm having a party here tonight. I don't want your mom to find out. She'll be back tomorrow. Would you do me a favor and run down to the store to get drinks and food?"
I nodded and walked down the gravel driveway.

The store was about five minutes away. For the first time I really looked at Tulsa. I saw a lot of things I hadn't noticed before, like the memorial in the park and the graffiti on the pavement.

When I brought home the shopping, Buck had already set up the jukebox and drink table. Damn, that guy sure knew how to throw a party.
He asked if I would assist him with playing host tonight.
Being the helpful person I am, I agreed; but he looked at me sternly and said, "No drinks."
I stuck out my bottom lip and refused to move.
I threw my arms around him.
"Just one though."
At this point, I was almost suffocating him. Buck wasn't used to being hugged. He seemed genuinely surprised, but not in a good way either. I didn't care because a party's not a party without a good drink or two.

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