Chapter Eleven

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Author's note: Whoa, eleven already! I love Johnny in this one (; 

And another small disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except Tammy. Dally, Johnny, the Curtis' etc all belong to SE Hinton.

Chapter Eleven 

Dallas's POV

I picked up the phone and dialed a number I wish wasn't so familiar. It rang a few times before a breathless voice whispered, "Hello?" 

"Syl? It's me." 

Judging purely by the sound of her voice, I could tell what she'd been doing.  

"Look, if you wanna cheat on me, that's fine," I said, in a serious tone.  

"I'm sorry-" she began, but I cut her off.  

"Don't apologize," I said. "I'm breaking up with you for good." 

She almost dropped the phone.  

"WHAT?" she screamed. "You son of bitch, how could you?" 

I remained calm. "Since you seem to enjoy the presence of other men so much, that's what you're getting." 

"You filthy bastard!" 

I chuckled. Someone needed to watch their language. 

Her voice turned into a whimper. "But, but...I love you!" 

I was starting to get sick of this mushiness. Hell, screaming at me and cheating on me; what a great way of showing she loved me. 

"But I don't love you," I said, my voice steely cold. And because I didn't want to hear whatever crap came out of her trap next, I hung up the phone immediately.

I just ended it with Sylvia over the phone for the last time. Even though we were technically already over since around the time Buck's sister came along, there was one night I got so boozed up and well, she couldn't resist my drunken advances. The little broad had always been a whore anyway, and we got used to cheating on each other but neither of us had really considered actually splitting like I'd just done. We hadn't discussed it since we first hooked up last year; but then Syl wasn't one for discussion either.  

I convinced myself this was for the best as I headed for the Curtis house, where I knew I could crash for the night if I wanted to. There wasn't anywhere to go, since Buck probably didn't want me around right now, Sylvia was busy screwing some guy and the Shepards were more than likely to be hunting action with hoods; not really my scene right now.

I was greeted by Two-Bit, who seemed sober, but he was so crazy that you could never really tell around him. Johnny and Pony were playing cards at the table, and Soda, Steve and Superman were probably due home soon as it was now almost six.  

"Hey, Dal," Johnny and Pony acknowledged my presence. They finished up whatever they were doing. "What's been going on?" 

I laughed. "Johnny knows what's been going on," I said casually. "Oh, yeah. I broke up with Sylvia."  

Two-Bit slapped me on the back. "About time, pal!" 

"For real?" Pony asked incredulously.  

"Yeah, for real. She don't need me and I sure as hell don't need her," I grinned. "Plus, I got better women to worry about," I winked at Johnny, who kept quiet.  

Two-Bit yelled. "You two are in on it, spill it! C'mon Johnny; me and Pon over here, still a'waiting!" 

Johnny shifted uncomfortably. "He tried to pick up Buck's niece," he said, hesitating.  

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