Chapter Five

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Author's note: So here's the long awaited chapter....haha! This is one of my personal favourite chapters so far (; It wasn't as long as I was hoping it would be, but I'm guessing it was at least 125% of the previous one.

Don't forget to leave comments/vote/fan/like/tweet/share/google plus/do whatever hahaha, because as cliche as it sounds; your support really does motivate the writer to keep the story ideas coming! It's true, I swear.


Chapter Five
Dallas's POV

"WHAT?" I said, a little too loudly, forgetting that Pony was right next me.
"Ow!" Pony yelped. "Not so loud, will ya, Dally?"
Hell! I hadn't even seen the girl yet and Johnny was already on extremely good terms with her. Shit's going down when that punk gets home!

Just then, the door opened and Johnny walked in grinning. I leaped from the couch and tackled him to the floor.
"You little bastard!"
A surprised Johnny doubled over and tried to escape, but I caught him by the leg of his jeans and dragged him down again.
Darry appeared in the doorway.
"Lay off Dallas! God, you idiot. What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"He should at least wait for me to meet the woman before he goes boffs her," I muttered through clenched teeth.
Johnny looked genuinely confused - and scared. "I ain't picked up no broads, Dallas."
"Oh yeah? Then what'd you been doing for the past hour?"
"Oh." Johnny smiled. "Me and Tam? We were just hanging. Not anything like what you said before. Honestly," he said, fully serious.
Well, that just made me feel a whole lot better.

Tammy's POV

I stood in front of the mirror in my bedroom, wondering what to wear. Today's plaid skirt had been quite popular, earning me several envious looks from the girls.

Rummaging through my cupboard, I found a long dark navy blue dress. It was short-sleeved and light, perfect for the fall evening. Just in case, I added a black jacket on top if I decided it really was too cold.
I brushed out my hair and let it flow loosely around my head.

I was applying lip gloss when there was a knock on my door and Buck poked his head around the corner. "Hurry up," he said. "People will be arriving any minute."
I finished off my makeup and walked down the stairs.
Buck was fiddling with the jukebox; and then Cherry walked through the door with Marcia in tow.
I stopped. What the hell were they doing here? Oh, that's right; Buck had mentioned something about it being a soc party. I guess I should play hostess, I said to myself and walked over.
"Hey Cherry, hi Marcia."
They turned around. They were both dressed in skirts and blouses. Cherry was wearing crimson and blue while Marcia opted for the vintage white and brown.
"Why, hello there Tammy!" Cherry exclaimed in a fake British accent, which set Marcia into a fit of giggles. "Didn't expect to see you here!"
I mustered a smile. "Buck's my uncle."
"How delightful to have such a handsome uncle," Marcia said. "Cherry, why don't we go over there and grab some snacks?"
She dragged Cherry away without another word.

Marcia was beginning to get on my nerves. Sure, she was nice and all, but something about her irritated me; the way she led Cherry away when I wanted to talk to them. I felt as if she didn't want me to belong. Maybe it was because she felt resentment towards me for denting her boyfriend's reputation as a bully. She'd said she wanted him to stop it, but my gut told me that she only wanted to come off as a kindhearted person. I hated myself for thinking bad of Marcia, so I shook my head to clear the thoughts.

The atmosphere in the party was really heating up. People were everywhere; dancing, drinking, talking and having a good time. I marveled at Buck's ability to bring people together. Even though I was more outgoing than he was, I didn't possess the spirit or energy to organize these types of events. I spotted Bob, Randy and some other kids from school. To my surprise, no one asked me what I was doing there. This was a good thing for two reasons: one being that it probably meant they accepted me as part of them; and two, no one would've believed me anyway if I said I was Buck's niece. My dad was half Filipino, so I'd always looked out of place because there sure weren't a lot of us crossbreeds hanging around the place. Boys called me exotic, but I shrugged them off like I usually did. As a matter of fact, I'd already managed to throw off four of them so far and it wasn't difficult since they were so boozed up, it was likely they couldn't even see straight.

I took off my jacket. It was getting rather hot. I could feel a sheen of sweat forming over my forehead, which I quickly rubbed dry; and my mind wasn't entirely clear from the drinks I had. Suddenly it occurred to me that I could go outside for a breather.
Calmness washed over me as I stepped into the night breeze.

Dallas's POV

I had to admit, there were quite a few good looking socs out there tonight. I'd never thought I'd say anything good about those bums, but turns out I was wrong.
Girls were falling over themselves to dance with me. Little did they know I couldn't dance at all. However, that didn't stop the steady stream of females vying for my attention.

I spotted that redhead I'd tried to pick up a few months ago. I hated her for being the only girl I hadn't managed to charm, but I also loved her for the same reason. I walked over. "Hey," I purred.
She threw me a dirty look. "How lovely to see you," she smirked sarcastically. "Now get lost."
"Uh-uh, not so fast, honey," I protested.
She just walked away. I kicked the wall. That little rejection inspired me to push harder. This thought made me smile to myself.

I decided to go outside for a drag. I was feeling pretty lightheaded from all the drinks, dancing and partying. Calmness washed over me as I stepped into the night breeze.

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