Chapter Ten

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Author's note: Hi! This is a very interesting chapter in my opinion ;P I'd also like to mention Navyhim for leaving me awesome comments and a dedication! It's awesome to have people's support. And without further ado...

Chapter Ten 

Tammy's POV

He was lying there, amusement playing on his full lips. His hair was ruffled and he had on a leather jacket. He smiled and it was slowly killing me inside.  

No, Tammy. This is the one guy you cannot fall for. Why did he have to possess such charm and wit? He was driving me crazy and I didn't want him here; or did I? My mind was spinning and I wanted to just walk away but I couldn't. He had a girlfriend! What were you thinking, Tammy? Since when were you a boyfriend-stealing whore? Then again, he'd said he would break up with her in a heartbeat. Oh god, oh god, oh god.

I didn't realize the stupid grin on my face until he brought it up. "You're thinking about me, aren't you?" he grinned wider.  

I blushed and turned the other way so he wouldn't see it.  

"Here," he said, intertwining our fingers again and pulling my face close to his, stroking my hair. "Damn girl, why didn't we meet before Sylvia?" he whispered, leaving a trail of fiery kisses along my neck to my cheek. 


The front door opened and Johnny walked in.  

I froze. Johnny Cade had just caught us in a very intimate position. And what had he called him? Dal? Shit. 

"Hey Dal, what are you doing here?" Johnny said, slowly and cautiously.  

Dal straightened up and turned on his easygoing smirk. "Oh nothing, it's just that this one's too hot to resist." 

"Do you even know who she is?" 

"Yeah man, course I do. Buck's niece, huh?" he grinned and flicked my hair.  

I pushed his hand away. "Question is, who are you?" I asked, backing into Johnny, who gripped my arm.  

"Me?" he pointed at himself. "Jesus, I would've thought someone smart like you knew already." 

"Well, I don't!" I yelled. "Johnny, who is he?" 

Johnny looked down at his hands. "Dallas. Dallas Winston."

Dallas's POV

For the first time in my life, I felt an extreme annoyance towards Johnny. Why did he just have to come in and ruin the moment? I was sure that I had almost managed to win Tammy over and now I'd have to start from square one, thanks to Johnny.

Tammy and Johnny conversed through whispering until Tammy pointed at me. A few moments ago, she had asked me who I was. The look on her face was unforgettable. I don't know how to describe it; perhaps a mix of anger, confusion, realization and disappointment. I swear, nothing had ever hurt me more than seeing her react to me like that. I don't get hurt. If it's too complicated, I won't bother. I don't care because caring leads to knowing which leads to expectations which leads to disappointment. Disappointment haunted me and loving ruined my life. I don't get hurt no more.  

Out of all the things that could possibly touch me, this did. Why did I care so much about a girl who didn't even like me? This was not like me at all. I needed to start getting my act together or else I was gonna become a marshmallow.  

But wait, did I want to? Did I really want to give up now? I never give up. Did I want to ignore whatever I was feeling for her? It had been eating my insides since day one. She was on my mind 24/7, always thinking about how to make her mine. Nothing was working and I'd rather die trying than to not have tried at all. Could I keep back my passion for her and make life easier for everyone but me? No, I decided. I couldn't. There was no way I was giving up. I knew what I had to do and I was going to do it once I left Buck's. No turning back now.

Tammy's POV

He registered the look on my face after a shockwave of realization hit me. Dallas Winston was in front of me the whole time and I didn't realize it! It was like the moment Romeo found out that Juliet was a Capulet. I couldn't describe how I felt because I didn't know how I felt. The look on Dallas's face resembled Johnny's lost puppy look so much that it pained me to look at him. I let go of Johnny. "I need time to think," I whispered, my voice hoarse. He nodded, and I ran upstairs to my room and leaned against the door.  

I felt like a naive fool. How could I have been so stupid and blind? I should've suspected something fishy going on, like why was I the only person who hadn't met Dallas Winston? Why did Pony come to the party looking for him and I didn't know where he was? I pretty much knew everyone at the party from school and I would've noticed a stranger. Why did I let him get so close to me?  

I shuddered. So this is what getting your heart crushed felt like. He'd made my spirits soar, but dropped me cruelly from the sky and this was the impact from hitting the ground after falling a thousand miles. If it hurt this much, I'm never gonna go near a boy again.

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