Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen 

Tammy's POV

I smiled as I closed the door behind me; and my knees almost buckled. My nose was still tingling from him. I felt dizzy but good. Then I remembered my note to self: Don't let yourself fall for him. Don't fall in love with Dallas Winston.  

I sighed, because I had a feeling this was going to be hard.  

I headed to the fridge to pour myself a glass of juice. Buck had sobered up a little. "How was the...outing?" 

Deciding to tease him, I gushed, "Oh, he's a damn good kisser." 

"I know." 

I played along. "How do you know?"  

He snickered. "Personal experience!" 

I spun around with my mouth open in surprise and mock horror.  

He rolled off the couch laughing when he saw my reaction. "Just kidding, man!" 

I turned back to the fridge. Just then, a car pulled up in the driveway. "Hi Mom!" I yelled as the door opened.  

"Hi sweetie. Hi Buck, what have you been doing?" 

"Nothing much." 

"And Tammy, what have you been doing?" 

"I went out with some friends." 

Buck coughed dramatically. "Friends!" 

Mom looked at him curiously, and then smiled at me. "I hope you had fun, Tammy." Turning to Buck, she said: "Just because you only have one buddy, Dallas, doesn't mean you can laugh at her." 

At the mention of his name, we looked at each other and burst out laughing. Mom looked at us both, muttered something and went upstairs to put her bags away. 

"You shut your trap!" I hissed.  

"Why? Do you two want to have a secret relationship?" 

"No! I don't even like him!" 

"Sure," Buck said, cocking one eyebrow. "That's why you let him kiss you." 

I could've hit him then. "Why were you spying on us?!" 

"Aha! So he did kiss you!" 

"Ugh, I hate you!" 

"Now, be honest with me. Do you like him?" 

I thought about this for a moment. Did I? I had no doubt that he was thoughtful; after all he'd bought me flowers. He was warm and his kisses made my insides melt. He was ridiculously good-looking and he hadn't actually been nasty to me. On the other hand, he got into fights, he smoked and was sent to jail too much. He stole things, slept around and could be a real jerk. Did I like him? 

I turned back to Buck after considering this question. "Yes." 

He threw his hands up. "Oh, Tammy!" 

I bit my lip nervously. Did I just say I liked Dallas Winston? Oh god! I quickly excused myself and rushed upstairs.

Dallas's POV

I was slightly disappointed that I didn't get to kiss Tammy again, but I didn't think Buck would appreciate watching us smooch outside the house. He already hated me enough for liking her. Once I pointed out that if I married her, Buck and I would be brothers-in-law. He really hated that idea.  

Two-Bit was watching some Mickey program when I walked in. He looked up and grinned. "How's your new girlfriend?" he teased.  

"Still beautiful," I replied happily.  

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