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(The picture above is how i picture Layla (Phoebe Tonkin) looking like)

Its graduation day! i finally made it! Alhamdullilah!

"Layla Joseph!" oh my, my name just got called! i wanna jump up and down and scream happily but i stop myself... barely. I look down at my cream colored maxi dress, with the beautiful  rose pink floral pattern at the hem and smile shyly as i walk over to receive my diploma.

I spy my parents beaming at me with their cameras directed my way as I walk down the stage proudly holding my diploma in my hands. As the ceremony ends, i spot my parents and make a bee line towards them. I hear my brother Sami shout "a high school graduate at last.. wow i thought you would never make it!", i roll my eyes at his attempt of teasing me. Ugh, big brother problems. Mother elbows him and we all laugh.

"No but seriously we are all super proud of you." says Sami. Yup, thats more like it. "Thanks Sami!" I beam at him.

Mom looks at me with tears in her eyes "my habibti is all grown up now, look how beautiful our daughter has become ya Saleh!" mom tells dad. "Yes mashallah", dad smiles at me.

I am not one of those over confident girls, but i do admit that i got somewhat lucky when it came to genes and DNA. My mother is Lebanese, so i inherited all her beautiful features, while i inherited my big green/hazel eyes and jet black wavy hair from my Iraqi dad. My brother on the other hand is definitely model material, he is a mix between Dave franco and Theo James. I see how all the girls get heart eyes when he passes by. Too bad he is a good muslim and is waiting for the right woman to sweep him off of his feet.


I am walking back home from the girls day in me and my girlfriends had. It was so much fun. We decided to spend the day together instead of going to some high school graduation party filled with booze, topless people and more topless people. Yeah... right like my parents would ever let me go to something like that. Besides i would not be comfortable being there and all, since i am a muslim, and a proud muslimah at that. Too many sins would be committed and i try to avoid making any at all.

Me and my girlfriends had a great day together, we watched 3 romantic movies and stuffed ourselves with pizza and soda. Best part of my day was eating a whole Ben and Jerry's (Cinnamon buns flavor, of course) bucket all by myself and then some... oh and graduating high school of course.

My daydream gets interrupted by some rustling i hear on my right. I spot two drunk guys leaning against the wall eyeing me up and down. Chills run through me. I have a bad feeling about this. Why didn't i call my brother Sami to come and pick me up? Why?

The two guys start making their way towards me with disgusting grins plastered on their faces. My heart starts beating frantically and i think i can hear the sound of my blood pumping through my body.. or is that my imagination? I hear a faint voice muttering "Oh god please help, please, please, please... Allah help me" and realize its my own voice. Their steps are getting closer and closer, i look around and estimate my chance of escaping this hell and realize that i'm stuck. They are on either side of me, and i curse my stupidness and luck.

"You look scared baby girl, why does that beautiful face of yours look so distressed." says the man on my right. "Yeah, me and my man here can fix this frown of yours... you're ours now." adds the man on my left as he looks me up and down. Why am i wearing this nice fitting dress again? Oh right, i graduated today.

Before i get the chance to shout for help, i feel a hand coming up and covering my mouth. I feel someone breathing in my scent and feel bile rising up in my throat. I struggle to move away from their touch but they dont budge. Im stuck. Oh Allah forgive me for my sins. I don't want their touch. That right was saved for my future husband, and him alone. Forgive me Allah, please forgive me.


I feel tears stream down my face as my innocence is being robbed from me. My body has shut down completely. My mind is elsewhere. I try to shut everything around me. I dont want to remember this. No one should.


I fall to the ground. My tears are uncontrollable. The men have finally left but i dont feel anything close to relieved, i feel broken. Ashamed. Used. Damaged. Shattered.

I look down at my torn clothes, stained with my own blood. I feel something warm run down my face and recognize my own blood. I dont feel anything anymore. I just hope its a nightmare, a really bad one and that i will wake up soon.

I pinch myself, but it only brings me more pain. I close my eyes and let the reality of what just happened sink in.

If my tears were uncontrollable a few moments ago, they are unstoppable now. I feel sobs rack through my body. I put my head between my bent knees and try to scream for help, but it only comes out as a whisper. My voice is too hoarse, even my throat hurts. Everything does.

How did this day change from being one of the greatest days of my life to one of the worst?


Im clearly new on Wattpad :\ This is the first book i have ever written so please bare with me. There will probably be some grammatical mistakes, i apologize in advance.

I just completed my first chapter!!!! I hope no one feels offended by anything i have written. It was painful to write that last part, it felt too real for me. I tried to avoid describing too many details, i would feel too uncomfortable.

Any support at this time would be appreciated.

(Any suggestions and thoughts are welcome.)

I hope you enjoy x


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