Chapter Ten

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(Not edited)

* 4 days later *

| Layla's POV |

My throat feels so dry. Where am I? In the sahara desert?

Everything is dark, and like a dumb person i slowly start to realize that my eyes are closed... but why wont they open? I try to move my hand but it leaves me with nothing but pain. What happened? Where is everyone?

Wait a minute... Am i dead?

I tick that possibility off of my list when i hear faint voices in the background. I feel a little hand clutching my hand, and something tickling my arm.. Is that hair?

"Wakey wakey mammaaaaa, wakeey mownin now, u need eat." A soft voice says.

"I mith yew mamma wakey wakey." The same voice continues.

Melak, my angel.

Suddenly all the earlier events come crashing down on me. The fire. The smoke. Melak. The house...

My baby is fine, thank you god thank you thank you. I wanna scream. I wanna shout. But most of all i want to hug my angel and never let her go.

I try opening my eyes, but it only comes out like a flutter. I opt for my hand instead, i manage to squeeze Melak's hand and mutter something incoherent.

"Mammaaa!" Melak squeals.

I flinch. Ouch why does that hurt?  My whole body feels heavy, i cant move a muscle. But most of all, it hurts to breathe. My head is about to explode from the amount of pain im feeling inside, heck even outside.

I try with all i have to open my eyes and this time im successful. I open my eyes, trying to ignore the ongoing pain. I look up and find a smiling teta looking down at me holding a bouncing Melak.

I crack a smile at them. Teta clutches my hand like its a lifeline. I dont dare tell her that even that simple gesture seems to intensify the pain.

The nurse walks in, takes my vitals, asks me some questions and gives me some painkillers. God bless her.

"The doctor will come and speak to you any minute now." The nurse says before she leaves just as quickly as she had come in.

A while later, an old fatherly looking doctor comes in. "Nice to see that you've finally woken up,  young lady. You got us worried there." He says to me with a warm smile. "I dont want you to talk unless you have to, we dont want your throat to get any worse than it already is." He continues softly.

"I dont know if they've already told you, but i'll break it down for you so you can understand. You have suffered many injuries from this fire, you have a respiratory tract infection, some severely infected lungs, inflammation and also a few burn marks. You also hit your head pretty hard when you fell unconscious.

"I dont want you to worry, i want you to stay in the hospital for a few more days because I want to monitor your progress. Hopefully you'll get back to normal, all you have to do is have patience, take your meds at the right time and the most important thing is to avoid doing any thing that could quickly tire you as your immune system is pretty weak at the moment and so is your body."

All i could do is nod. I am shocked to say the least, but i made it out with the strength of god.

"How?" I manage to squeak out.

"My fellow colleague Dr. Adam Hayek, found you at just the perfect timing, and he helped getting you out of that house and also rescued your little girl here." He says.

He what? That was definitely not what i was expecting to hear come out of the doctors mouth.

"Any more questions Ms. Layla?" He asks.

I shake my head no, still shocked.

"If thats all, I'll be on my way. I'll come back and check on you later." He says before he leaves.


Apparently teta has been staying in Adam's house, she also took care of Melak in my absence. That surprised me, I've never been separated from my baby, specially at night. I'm glad that she didn't make a fuss around teta, considering she is sick too.

"Teta, where is Adam? I need to thank him." I say.

"Oh, habibti, he went home to take care of some things, since he has the day off. But he'll be here soon inshallah." She answers.

I owe Adam so much, i owe him my life, he saved my angel and my life. I cant bare to think about what would've happened if he wasn't there. The fear that crept up on me that day was fear like no other. It was a different type of fear, so unlike the fear i felt on graduation day. This time i felt fear for my daughter too. Im still very shaken up about it, it was so horrible and traumatizing. Im so thankful that Melak wasn't any older, this way she wont remember much when she grows up, hopefully nothing at all.

I still see the flames, inhale the smoke and hear Melak crying everytime i close my eyes.

I want to thank Adam personally, not only for saving us but also for giving teta and Melak a place to stay, for taking some of teta's worries away, and for not letting her carry the load by herself.

But why is he doing this for us? Where is that cold jerk i met at the grocery store? Is he bipolar or something? What is het getting out of doing this?


Adam walks into my room holding a bouquet of pink, red and purple gerbera daisies, a pink teddy bear and a helium ballon of a... princess?

He notices my puzzled expression. "The flowers are for you, the rest is for Melak since i promised her a surprise." He says looking down...nervously?

Is brooding, bad-tempered, confident, good looking Adam nervous all of a sudden? This is definitely one for the books, i think to myself.

Im about to open my mouth to start thanking him when a nurse walks into my room holding two large bouquets of dried white roses. "These were asked to be delivered to your room." The nurse says sounding odd.

Adam looks at me, bewilderment evident on his face. I shrug and reach for the card to read it.

But never in a million years did i ever think that I'd read something so completely and utterly disturbing as well as frightening.

The note read:

"You made it out of this alive but next time you won't. Get well soon, whore. Can't wait to meet you and your bastard of a daughter in hell."

Dun Dun Dun Dunnnnnn!
(Tell me what you guys think about this chapter, I'm open for any suggestions, questions and especially feedback!)

Rania, x

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