Chapter Twenty

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Hello fellow readers! It's been a loooonggg week for me, been very busy and down lately but I finally found the time to write this lengthy chapter. I hope you'll enjoy it! x

I also wanted to thank each and every one of you who come back to read some more, not giving up on my processing book. Thank you. Thanks for all the votes and comments too, the encourage me and make my day so much better! Even my parents have gotten excited about what I'm doing, dad literally asks my if I've gotten any more votes and comments daily. Lol so thanks for making me happy when I'm sometimes sad. x

(Not edited)

| Layla's POV |

I had woken up feeling a million times better, I guess rest was a part of the cure to the tiredness I felt the past few days. I knew I was sick, I just couldn't afford any doctors or medication... I was barely able to afford any food for myself. I made sure I bought all the things Melak would need for her intake of vitamins, protein, calcium.. and so on I just didn't buy things that could be overlooked, and unimportant at this moment.

You see, ever since that day in the kitchen, I decided to woman up and try my best to stand up for myself, becoming more independent in the process. I've been saving up as much money as I can to be able to rent out an apartment as soon as possible. I don't want to be a burden. On anyone.

My plan backfired when I became sick & couldn't go job hunting but on the bright side this prevented me from taking Melak to dayca- yeah... Nope there's no bright side in this. I hate being sick. I didn't admit that I was sick to myself until the Neanderthal Adam came marching into our little pool bourse demanding answers looking yummy as ever..

No Layla. You can't think like that. He's not your real husband.. Or well he is but not your real real husband. Remember you're still angry... About everything.

I yawn as I sit up on the oh so comfortable bed and look around. Wow. I don't think I've seen a bedroom this big... I could fit the pool house in here... Heck I could probably fit the whole state of Minnesota in here. I've never slept in a bed this luxurious and I can't help but think that this is another symbol of how different Adam and I are. We come from completely different worlds and different worlds don't collide and even if they do, chaos is always bound to happen.

I get up, rub the traces of sleep from my face and make my way to the bathroom. I didn't even bother to look in the mirror, because I'm planning to return to that million dollar luxurious bed, hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! I brush my hair and take care of business before I pad my way back to the comfy inviting looking bed.

I'm slowly stopped mid step as realization dawns on me. I have a daughter! Yeah no shit Sherlock Layla.. but where is she?? Did I forget her somewhere? Wait why am I even here, in this room? Oh son of a monkey what if my daughter is stuck somewhere while I'm here daydreaming about a luxurious bed and different worlds colliding when she could be in need of help?

I make my way out to the corridor and feel my heart immediately slowing down as I sigh in relief. She's not passed out in some underground prison. She's laughing... And the laughter is coming from the bathroom.

The door is already left open, so I step in and freeze in my stop. The sight in front of me is something I've been fantasizing everyday since my daughter was born. I've always wanted my daughter to grow up with a father, not necessary the biological one and definitely not in my case, but any man that is ready to fight dragons for her safety.

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