Chapter Three

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(Not edited)

| Adam's POV |

I turn my head in the direction of the sound and freeze.

The girl who took residence in my thoughts and dreams was sitting in front of me. I had a sleepless night last night. Those beautiful hazel eyes haunted me. There is a story behind the fear i saw in them. As soon as i saw her with her child at the store, i felt like she was the magnet and i was being pulled towards her.

I also noticed that she wasn't wearing a ring but i still wondered where the child's father was.

We stay like that for a moment. It feels like time stops, and everything slows down around us.

I clear my throat and extend my hand for her to shake. "Hello Ms., i see we meet again." I smirk at her.

I am met with silence.

Im about to lower my hand because this was just too awkward, when i hear her shaky voice. "Uh y-yyes, Im Layla Joseph." She repositions her sleeping daughter and stands up to shake my hand.

Even her name is compelling.

I dont believe in all of that idiocy about how one touch can send your whole world spiraling, like the world is floating away, how a current flows through your body, birds start to sing and fireworks exploding...yada yada yada. Yeah i dont believe in all of that crap but i could swear that i felt something when our hands touched.

She suddenly takes back her hand like i burned her. I frown at her but quickly recover.

I clear my throat "Are you Marwa Saeed's family?" I ask.

"Yes, Im her granddaughter. Is she going to be okay?" She asks, tears welling in her eyes.

Oh no no no, please dont cry. Seeing a woman cry makes me so uncomfortable.

"There is not much to tell at this moment, they are still running some tests, but i will be back as soon as i can get some information." I inform her.


| Layla's POV |

Teta returned to her room and we were now seated waiting for the doctor to deliver the results.

The look on his face was gloomy. My heart sank. No, please god let my grandma be okay.

I started shaking my head before Dr. Hayek even started speaking.

I dont want her to leave me. She is the only one who knows my secret and has accepted me and baby girl as we are. What will i do without her? Oh allah i cant stand the thought of teta being in pain. Please help her.

| Adam's POV |

The day after the awful nightmare happened i knew i wanted to become a doctor and help people as much as i can. Becoming a doctor was one of the best things I've done with my life. Yes it is tiring, but each time i save a human and bring them back from the edge of death everything becomes worth it. Now that feeling is inexplainable. But what i didn't consider, was that by becoming a doctor i wont be able to save every person that i come across. Some things are beyond our control.

Delivering bad news is never fun.

I lost faith after that night even though i was a firm believer before the incident. Life was so unfair and i couldn't help but think that leaving my religion and faith behind was the best thing to do. My old self would say that god has planned when and where we die. Our fate was sealed before we were even born and no one could avoid gods plan. Even though i stopped believing, I still firmly believe in that logic.

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