Chapter Twenty Eight

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(Got the idea of Layla's dress from the pic above(but imagine it more modest), and also decided to gift you guys with Layla and Adam's faces.)

Enjoy' x

(Not edited)

| Layla's POV |

The summer breeze blows in our face as we walk out of the spa/salon feeling relaxed and giddy. I take a happy Melak out of Diana's arms and place her in her pale pink stroller. My little angel is still staring at her tiny chubby hands in fascination, as it was hard having her sit still through her mini baby manicure session but she looks so happy with her rainbow colored nails.

"Mimi sure looks happy with her new look today." Diana comments while squeezing Melak's cheek lovingly.

Diana has taken to calling Melak, Mimi for some reason but I don't mind since my little angel loves he attention.

"She sure does."

Diana drove over to Adam's house, or um well our house, at 10 am to pick Melak and I up for our girls day out and I gotta say it's been one heck of a day and we all loved every second of it.

We first went to the spa, to each get a massage while Melak played in their playing area right across from our room, we then headed to the hair salon to get our hair and nails done professionally.

All three of us got a trim, while I dyed my hair to a lighter brown color and topped it off with some caramel highlights. Diana who originally has strawberry blonde hair, dyed the roots of her hair a light brown color while adding a few highlights to her original hair to make it look ombré.

After being satisfied with our new hair, we made our way to the nail section to get out pedicures and manicures. Since mother nature decided to visit me, I thought why not paint my nails and toes while I can without feeling bad about it. That is how I ended up choosing a dark nice matte mix of maroon red and burgundy for my finger nails and a combination of pale pink and nude for my toes. Diana decided to go all grey while my bright daughter picked almost every bright color they had to go along with her personality.

I haven't had this much fun in almost forever, this could be because this is the first time I go out with someone who I consider a friend in the span of a few years and also because Diana is such an amazing person with a great personality to match.

Diana is the friend I made at the local cafe that I love visiting. She ended up being the person that made my chai latte a few times, which later on lead to this connection we have. Something I haven't mentioned is how gorgeous she is. Her strawberry blonde hair complements her hazel brown eyes in a beautiful way, she has a small pert nose with a pair of full lips and not to mention the few freckles scattered on her face to go with. She's not stick thin and neither is she chubby, her curves are to die for. I wonder how she stayed single all this time but that's a story for another time.

Melak and Diana have been babbling non stop that I've already lost track of what they're talking about.

Suddenly Diana stops abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk, making a few people bump into us muttering a string of not so nice things.

"What? Why did you stop? Diana is something wrong?" I ask her impatiently.

She looks at me confused. "What? No, I just had the sudden urge to eat ice cream so let's head the other way to the small parlor! Come on! It's my treat!" She says while taking the stroller from me and already walking in the direction of the ice cream parlor.

I shake my head at how weird she could sometimes be while chuckling to myself. I run to catch up with her speed, "Diana you truly are one of a kind."

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