Chapter Thirty Seven

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Don't kill me! Both for this chapter and for updating later than usual but let's say I have my reasons. I just came back from Iraq last night and I've been sooooo jet-laggedddd and depressed (cuz school starts tomorrow! Yay me!) so excuse moi!

But anyhow thank you for being able to keep "Fix Me" #1 in spiritual all this while! I love you guys!

Enjoy! And keep on voting and commenting if you think this chapter is deserving of it! It makes me happy! x


| Layla's POV |

What just happened?

I'm so confused and frustrated. One minute he was warm and affectionate and the next minute he's cold and angry. I know it must be something in the text message he received in the middle of our cosy moment.

After he got that text message he just stood up and left me there without a word. I can't believe he just left so abruptly after I told him I loved him.

I freaking loved him.

No. I'm in love with him.

And what did he do? He left my daughter and I here at the park with no means of transportation or an explanation...

Yet I can't help but worry about him... When I finally told him that I loved him I didn't expect any words in return, I only wanted him to know how deep my feelings run and finally get it off of my chest. The moment I uttered the magic words I felt a great weight being lifted off of my shoulders and I was overjoyed, yet his silence hurt me even though I already expected it.

I also know that he was about to say something the moment his phone dinged indicating a new message and I can't help my hopeful heart thinking it was those magic words said back to me.

I knew it was too early for him to start have feelings for me but for him to up and leave me out of the blue was weird.

But I'm also not dumb to know that something in that text message made him angry and drove him to leave us in a hurry.

I pack up our long forgotten things back in the wooden basket and carry a still sleeping Melak out of the park. In only a few minutes I find a taxi and thank god that I actually thought to carry some money in my back pocket. I ask the taxi driver to drive us first to where my parents are staying to drop Melak off. I think it's better if my daughter isn't around when I go searching for Adam and demand an explanation.

After a nerve wracking 20 minute drive in the city the taxi finally stops at the hotel apartment unit my parents are staying at. I'm soaking wet by then since its raining so hard, I curse myself for not bringing a hoodie with me while I rush to the front doors. I ring the bell and wait for someone to open the door with my teeth chattering every second or so.

Dad finally opens the door and I all but throw my daughter at him with my nerves being all over the place. I tell him I'm in a hurry and that I need to speak to Adam urgently. I send my Salam to mom and with a kiss to his cheek I'm already on my way and back in the taxi.

The whole ride back home, I'm wishing and hoping that Adam is there. My heart is about to burst with worry and concern for him. I feel like he took my whole heart with him and ran away. I just hope with all of my heart that nothing is severely wrong and can't be fixed. Because if something as damaged as me could somehow be fixed with time, then everything is possible.

I know deep inside that the fact that I'm feeling like this, like I'm not as unfixable as before is all thanks to Adam, the man I love with all my heart. He showed me care, affection, concern, and more. That was more than what my heart needed and craved. I know he hurt me almost equally as much, but the many times he made my tears make an appearance still isn't equal to how many times he has made me laugh and smile.

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now