Chapter Thirteen

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Finally updated!! Sorry for keeping you waiting😁 (do you guys want to know how I imagine Adam looking like? if you do, tell me, so I can post a pic to go with the chapter next time!)

(Not edited)

| Adam's POV |

Wait. What did she just say? Marry her??

I probably need to get my hearing checked because I don't think I heard that right. I don't think I've heard anything she just said right.

I glance at Layla, only to notice that she looks shell shocked and I'm guessing that I'm probably wearing the same expression on my face.

I am shocked to the core of my bones. I've never thought of marriage let alone marrying Layla...

Layla looks at her grandma in disbelief and utter horror. "W-what?"

Teta is still beaming. "Think about it! You guys would be perfect for each other."

"Layla you just said so yourself, that you can't live with a person that is a non-mahram (someone you can't marry), so why not marry him? You need a place to stay at unless you've decided to confess your past to your parents and I don't think you have... Am I right?"

Layla nods with her head bent down in... Shame?

She looks and i see a glimpse of fear before she quickly straightens her back to do some sort of breathing technique... This Layla girl sure is weird.

"Teta, I can't and I won't. You know about my past and you know how I feel about this situation. I'm never getting married, and I'm okay with that. Adam probably doesn't even want to, you can't just spring this up on us. He has his own life somewhere." Layla says with something I can't define glinting in her big hazel eyes.

They're talking about me  like I'm not sitting right in front of them. Hello? I'm still here and I'm listening to every word you're saying!

"Layla dear, this could be good for you. Think about it. It doesn't even have to be permanent. I just want to be able to rest my head on my pillow at night knowing that you are safe."

Righttttt. Layla still hasn't told her grandma about the not so accidental fire, the notes and flowers she got. Apparently she doesn't want to worry her grandma more than she already is.

"And Adam-" she looks at me and smiles "I don't
know if you already have someone in mind when you think about marriage but if you don't then my idea could work.

You guys can get married, get to know each other, spend time together, do what married couples do... And if you two decide that you can't stand each other then that's that. Get divorced. No biggie. But I see this as a win-win situation, you can both get something out of this marriage. You Adam need someone to be there for you, someone you can rely on... Habibi you need to live a little. You need to start believing again. And you Layla you need to overcome your past and obstacles, you've given up on the good things in life thinking you don't deserve them. But you do Habibti. And if you don't want to do this for yourself, then think of your daughter at least. This could be a bland temporary marriage or it could be a beneficial strong one. You two can decide. Together."

Her words swim through my head. Am I actually considering this marriage?

"Teta you don't understand. No one would want to marry me. I have more flaws than any ordinary person. No one in their right mind would agree to marrying me if they knew. And I don't think i want to put myself out there. It's too dangerous and the outcome could be frightening. I have a daughter to think about. My past is a big part of me. It's there teta and its not going away that easily." Layla says with tears pouring down her face.

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