Chapter Sixteen

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(Picture of the pool house above)

(Not edited)

| Layla's POV |

I stare up at the ceiling, contemplating whether I should get up and search for a new job or just stay in bed with my little bundle of joy all day.

Guess which one wins...

Yup, I decide to stay home and spend some alone time with my angel today. I've been dropping Melak off at daycare almost everyday now to go and search for a job and sometimes just to finish some last minute assignment.

It's been a week since I became a married woman. Married by name and paper only. It's been a week since I realized what type of man I decided to marry and live with for circa 7 months. It's been a week since I decided that it's time I became a changed woman.

By becoming a changed woman I mean that I am no longer going to be taking any shit from anyone anymore. I'm done being belittled. I am not showing any weakness to anyone anymore. I'm done showing my vulnerability to the world. I'm done crying over that piece of jerk. I deserve better than what I've gotten and I have no problem trying to get what I deserve. The weak girl is gone. She is no more.

I at least hope so...

I've planned it all out. I'm keeping my business just simply my business. I will be staying out of Adam's way no matter what. And it seems like I've done a good job so far, I haven't seen him ever since the day we got married and signed the legal contracts one week ago, well if you don't count the times I look out the window to see him leave and come home from work...

My plan is to do my best to guarantee a better life for Melak. That means I'll be searching for a job until I find one that's good enough. I need a job that pays well as well as having good hours. Good hours are very important. I don't want to miss out on spending time with my daughter. Even the smallest things are important... her next new word, new favorite food, when she starts singing...

Melak is what's important. Period. Nothing and no one will get in my way of securing a better life for my daughter.

I'm taking double online courses now. I want to graduate as soon as possible. I need a better income if I want to rent a good and safe apartment or if sometime in the future I decide to buy a house for us two.

So the upcoming 7 months will have to be nothing but professional and definitely no feelings included whatsoever. My plan to avoid him has worked so far. I want nothing to do with him, all I want from him is the safety he can provide us.

If I'm leaving for the day, I make sure I wake up before him and hurry to get out of the house without bumping into him. If I stay at home I make sure I turn off all the lights and lock up the pool house so he'll understand that's we're asleep or just not home.

I planed to continue this way well until someone knocked on the door, forcing me out of bed.

I get up with a grunt, throw my long morning robe on and head to the door only to be greeted by two men who looked to be in their mid-thirties with a bunch of supplies in their hands.

The first thing I feel is panic rising, my heart beats faster, my breathing gets harder and I feel sweat forming on my brows.

"Uh-" I stop to clear my voice. "Who are you and how did you get into the villa?"

"Ma'am, Mr. Adam hired us to renovate the kitchen in the pool house. And to answer your other question, he let us in." One of the men answers.

I feel anger replacing the panic I felt just a moment ago. I march into the bedroom, pick a peacefully sleeping Melak up from her crib and march right out.

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now