Chapter Thirty Two

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I decided to update super soon because i woke up to a surprise yesterday *drumroll* I WOKE UP TO FIND FIX ME #1 IN SPIRITUAL EEEEEEKKKKKK!!!

I was so happy and I'm not sure if wattpad made a mistake or not but Im super happy either way! Thank you guys so so so much! Your support means so much to me! Keep on voting & commenting, we're getting there! x

Hiba_ma nominated my story for The Fiction Awards 2016, and I feel so so grateful to her, I'm so shocked that some of you think that my story deserves winning something but thankful nonetheless! Anyhow, if you feel up to nominating my story you can do that through thefictionawards page. The more nominations, the bigger chance of success!

Love ya guys, Enjoy x


| Layla's POV |

I feel all of the blood draining from my face. I feel like my heart suddenly stopped pumping blood to my organs as if all life is leaving my body.

This can't be happening. My worst nightmare...

I stand up to go after my parents, to ask them, to beg them, to plead with them to stay and accept me. I try to stand up on unsteady feet, only to relentlessly fall to the ground. Instead of meeting the hard floor, I feel a pair of arms cushioning my fall.

I have no knowledge of what's happening around me, only the heartbreaking reality taking place in my head.

"Melak sweety, go upstairs and play with your new dolls." I hear Adam's voice rumbling in my ears, realizing that I'm in his arms with my head laying on his chest.

I can faintly make out Adam and Sami's voices speaking in the background, and some rustling before I can feel myself being laid down on the large sofa.

A few moments later, a glass of water is being placed against my lips. "Drink up, Layla. You need to stay with me."

My mind is blank while my heart is being filled with pain as the time ticks by.

Another second of loneliness, another moment of rejection.

I should've known that they would be disgusted with everything that happened to me.. Who wouldn't be? I should've known not to trust my instincts. The ugly truth always hurts, no matter if you're on the receiving or sending end. It leaves behind a sizable scar no matter the circumstances. I should've known that.

Look what you did to yourself Layla... You brought all of this upon yourself.

I feel Adam trying to get me to open up and drink, I unconsciously do what he's trying to make me do. I drink most of the ice cold water in one go, and immediately feel better. The buzzing in my ear lessens  while my heart beats somewhat turn back to normal but my shock still remains the same.

"Okay I'm sorry Layla, but I'm gonna have to do this because you're starting to scare the crap out of me." His words barely register in my head before the remaining ice cold water is thrown in my face.

I'm shocked alright.

"Adam!" I yell through clenched teeth.

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now