Chapter Seven

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(Not edited)

| Layla's POV |

Teta got admitted into the hospital again. She almost collapsed on me yesterday evening, so the first thing i did was drive her to the hospital.

The doctors advised her to stay for a couple nights so they can monitor her and see the progress her body makes when she is on the medication they prescribed. Melak and i stayed there to entertain her and also to keep her mind focused on anything but the pain she was feeling. We would've stayed longer, but the nurses were so close to kicking us out, since we had already overstayed the visiting hours.

So here i am laying next to my angel on my queen sized bed, i felt like having my daughter close by tonight. Melak's head is placed on my chest, my hand playing with her golden brown curls, i suddenly hug her to myself tightly. I feel so overwhelmed. So much has been happening lately, all this anxiety and thinking has almost caused my brain to go into overdrive.

As i lay there, i think of everything that has happened these past few weeks. It all started the night my angel bumped into Adam.. it all went downhill from there. I know it has nothing to do with him but still. I think of how rude Adam was when we first met, how cold and unfeeling he was towards us. Being around him that first time made me feel so petrified, but then its like he became a completely different person. He is nice, friendly, considerate and what stood out the most is the fact that I've actually seen him smile now.. Where did that bitter, bad mannered jerk go?

When teta had invited him for dinner last week, he seemed so different.. i couldn't put my finger on it. But somehow i started feeling more secure and safe around him. My fear doesn't exactly disappear or lessen, it just retreats to the back of my mind. I guess it could be because he was taking care of my injury and at the same time looking after teta and Melak. When i saw him having a full out conversation and laughing with Melak i could almost swear i felt my heart skip a beat. What i saw in front of me earned Adam a golden star in my "could be safe" list of the opposite sex.

Ive already mentioned that i lost my boring job as a receptionist due to me being home all the time. Ive also gotten so behind on my online courses... I barely have time to do anything, everything is becoming chaotic. Melak is getting older, she is walking and talking now, which means she demands and needs more attention from me, and my responsibility is doubling in size. I dont mind taking care of teta, after all she took me in and accepted me after everything i told her. This is the least i can do to lessen the burden on her. She is my flesh and blood. She deserves everything and more.

My heart clenches at the thought of teta being in pain and being diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. I try to be strong around her because i dont want her to see the heartbreak i am feeling. There is no use of burdening her any more than i already have. I want her to make the most of what time she has left. Even though i wish that she would reconsider accepting the chemotherapy and giving it a go, its her choice and life in the end.

The power is in gods hands, i think to myself.

With that being my last thought, i tuck Melak's head under my chin and hug her tighter and before i know it I've fallen asleep.


I wake up with a fright from my restless sleep. Ive been moving around all night, nightmares and what ifs invading my mind. I sit up on my bed, feeling my chest unusually tighten. It feels like something exceedingly heavy has been placed on my chest. The heat is overwhelming and the pressure is unbelievable.

What is happening?

I look around feeling utterly disoriented, and realize that.. No... it cant be

Oh no no no no no.... how ?

I find myself surrounded by smoke.. YES SMOKE. My room is about to go up in flames.

Before i go into a deep shock, i look down at my Melak and thank god above that i decided to keep her in my bed for the night. Her head is almost fully covered by the comforter, i grab whatever fabric i can find on my side table and cover most of her face with it. I pick her up and hug her tightly.

I need to find a way out!

I open the door to my bedroom and am greeted with a massive flame the size of the door, shit shit shit shit what should i do.

Im already starting to feel a little faint i cant go on much longer, i am feeling weaker by the second.

I  run to the window but find it locked, ugh can something work my way for once come on window open please god help me..

I keep on pulling and tugging on the handle but its no use. Where is my strength when i need it.

Come on!!! Open you damn window!!!

By now Melak has woken up, her cries ringing in my ears. I need to get her out of here. I need to save my angel.

Melak wiggles in my arms, her cries getting louder. Oh no baby, stay strong for mommy. I'll get us out of here.

I yell for help, but its no use... nothing is working. We're alone. I'm alone...

"PLEASE HELP PLEASEE!" I yell weakly.

"Please someone!... save my angel.. angel i love you stay strong for mommy, habibti Melak my ang-...."

I crash to the ground, my body cushioning and protecting Melak's body from the fall. More pain erupts i cant-i cant take it anymore.. the last thing i remember is hugging Melak's body to myself before darkness envelopes me.


Short chapter i know... but ive been updating super fast lately and im so close to having no life at all...

Anyways, i hope you enjoy this chapter! (or not... its awful.. 🔥😭 )

(gimme, feedback feedback feedback!! lol please!)🍉

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Rania, x

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