Chapter One

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| Layla's POV |

The buzzing of my alarm clock woke me up from my not so blissful sleep. It takes me a few seconds to remember my whereabouts. I sit up on my queen sized bed and stretch. The smell of breakfast wafts through the air, i hear my stomach growl in response. Grandma's Iraqi breakfast is the best!

For a second i almost forget my awful past. These moments are the best part of my day, the moments where my brain is just waking up and the memories are stored somewhere back in my mind.

I get up and make my way to the crib next to my bed. I take a moment to thank Allah for my tiny blessing. I look down at my angels face and feel a smile forming on my face.

Yes i have a child. The night that changed my life forever, the night that robbed me of the life I've been dreaming of having ever since i was a little girl resulted in this beautiful girl being introduced to this world. I gave birth 821 days ago, circa 27 months ago. Yes i count the days because that is the only thing keeping me from breaking down and becoming a mess. If i choose to break down then who will be there for my angel? Breaking down is not an option in my situation. My baby deserves the best, at least the best i could give her.

I named my little blessing Melak (means angel in Arabic), i only saw it fitting to name her angel since she was exactly that and more for me. Melak gives me strength to keep on fighting and believing in our god almighty. She strengthens my faith, she gives me hope. She pushes me to become a better person.

I look at her adorable chubby face and thank god for a millionth time that she turned out to be the spitting image of a mini toddler me. The beginning of my pregnancy were the worst months of my life. Depressed being an understatement. I was afraid that this baby would symbolize the worst moment of my life. But boy was i wrong. Melak symbolizes a new beginning for me. She is what keeps me going. Each and every day i wake up and look at her face and feel a tiny bit of pain slip away from my soul. She is my healer. I owe my new found happiness to her. She is my living, breathing proof that good things can come out of the worst situations possible. The key is to have a little faith.

She chooses that moment to open her big beautiful hazel eyes and greets me with a toothless grin. In return i give her the biggest smile I've got, that smile is only reserved for my girl, and her alone. I pick her up and kiss her all over her face making her chuckle and wiggle in my arms.

"Maammamamaaa." Melak coes softly. "Yes mommy's girl, im here baby. Lets make you look all clean and beautiful for the day, shall we?" She drools in response and i take that as a yes as i start to dress her in a beautiful tiny pink tutu and "try" to wrestle her into a matching t-shirt.

Getting Melak ready in the mornings has become my daily workout routine, thats mommy's feisty little girl.

I put her back in her crib and hand her, her favorite stuffed rabbit named "abbit". Yeah.. my angel has a hard time pronouncing her R's, but we've got enough time to work on that, inshallah.

I walk into the bathroom to take a shower, i then do my facial routine, brush my teeth and get dressed in my favorite skinny black jeans and pair it with a plain white shirt. I look at the clock, it reads "08:37" oh crap im going to be late for work. I quickly put my hair up in a messy bun, pick Melak up from her crib and take us downstairs.

I spot teta (grandma) sitting on the couch reading the newspaper, i go up to her and bend down to kiss her on her cheek.

"Good morning, habibati (my loves)" she greets us lovingly.

"Morning teta, sorry im in a hurry, i need to drop Melak at the daycare center and drive off to work. I'll stop at target on my way home to do some grocery shopping with Melak," i explain.

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