Chapter Thirty

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Today, 2/7/2016, "Fix me" reached rank #37 in spiritual and has over 10,6k reads & over 1k votes! So thank you & Shukran to all of you! You have no idea how happy this has made me!

(Dad is feeling very proud of me lately, he thinks I'm some worldwide best seller author right now 😂)


| Adam's POV |

Sweet dreams, little boy. Someday someone will come into your life and make all of your nightmares go away and turn them into sweet, sweet fantasies. Just have some patience and believe. Believe in your creator. 

My eyes open on their own and try to adjust to the sunlight, that voice... That voice seems so far away but it feels like only yesterday she whispered them into my ear before I fell asleep. I shake my head to rid myself of the memories from my past, I try to fall asleep but I already know that it's near impossible now since the old memories woke me up.

I try to move, and only then do I realize that something heavy is draped across my chest and I  feel something tickling my nose. I look down at the heavy object in question only to find Layla laying on my chest, with one of her arms draped across my waist while the other one was under her head. A big smile forms on my face, at the realization that sweet, gorgeous, petite, strong Layla is sleeping in my bed and on me. I realize that what was tickling my nose just a second ago was only her hair, I raise my head a little bit to get a better whiff of her coconut scent. One of my arms is already hugging Layla closer to my chest, I find it hard to resist, so I do what I've always wanted to do. I bring my other arm around her and hug her body clad in my clothes to my bare chest.

Looking at her while she slept in my arms, I couldn't help but feel thankful and happy. So so happy. Who knew that cold Adam with a heart of stone, could feel his heart warming up to this beautiful woman laying in his arms. This was the first night I've ever spent with a woman in my bed. I may seem cold and rude, but I was never a womanizer. I did date a girl in my high school years once, but I left all of that behind when I fled and after what happened that night. People always assumed I was a player with the way I carried myself around, but I really wasn't, I just acted like a reserved and cold person to protect myself and the people around me.

I feel Layla shuffling against me, which brings me back to the present. I look down at her peaceful, innocent face and smile. This girl has done so much, she has changed my life and turned it a complete 180 without even realizing it. She's been breaking down my walls, and I'm not sure if that's still a bad idea... It could do some good. Maybe we were meant to meet.

Her face was always painted with a frown and her eyes always held some amount of pain and fear. I hated seeing her like that, and I loathed the fact that I only added more pain and sadness to her life when I chose to act like a complete jerk at times. Those bastards that ruined parts of her life, turned her into this vulnerable looking girl with fear and trepidation with a self built shell around herself. She hid herself and her little angel, fearful about the outcome of her actions that she clearly had no say in.

Looking at her now and seeing her eyes closed, she looked serene and untroubled. I always wanted to see her this way and I will try to bring life to my words.

I look around the room, and realize that it's only early morning, could only be around 8 am not more, I was wondering why she hadn't woken up for that morning prayer thing that muslims usually wake up for in the middle of the night to pray. I rake my gaze over the room, which stops at the chair where her dress from last night is neatly laid on.

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now