Chapter Six

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(Not edited)

| Adam's POV |

"And one more thing..." Layla's grandma pauses. "I also decided to bring your brother Sami with me to meet you when i return."

I glance at Layla and i can almost feel all the blood draining from her face, she looked extremely pale. I abruptly stood up, my chair scraping against the wooden floor.

"Layla-Layla! can you hear-?" Before i get to finish my sentence, her eye lids fall close, her head falling to the side with a thud before she falls unconscious. Oh shit, she hit her head .

My heart beats rapidly oh Layla...

Before teta could panic, i speak up and rush to Layla's side "Dont worry ill check on her, just take Melak away from here i dont want her to see her mom like this." I clasp teta's hands between mine and reassure her. "Teta trust me, today is your lucky day because i happen to be a doctor-" i smile at her "There is a minor chance that she is going to have a concussion, but its nothing major i know what im doing.. if you could only lead me to a bedroom so i can lay her down on a bed and ill get to work."

She nods her head, distress evident in her features.

"I'll just run to my car and get my medical briefcase!" I yell out as i run to my car.


Im sitting on the side of Layla's bed. Im staring at her face even though i know i shouldn't. I may be a Muslim by name only, but my respect for women remains the same.

But right now, at this moment i can't take me gaze off of her. Ive already woken her up about three times now, once every hour to make sure she's is not in any pain and also asking her some questions to make sure she is not suffering from a concussion.

As i sit there staring at her lovely face, questions circle my mind... so many questions. What caused all of this fear she is feeling? What is she afraid of? What made her become this very reserved person? The only time I've seen her look alive is when she is speaking to Melak or her grandmother.... But why? What happened to her in the past? What scarred her to this extinct? Why did the blood drain from her face when her grandma mentioned her brother visiting? What about her parents? Where is Melak's father? I had so many questions, but no answers whatsoever. And i dont think this was the perfect time for a game of 20 questions.. But i will find out, i vow to myself. In order to protect these two angels from any harm, i need to know what i will be protecting them from.

With that thought in mind I leave her bedroom, and walk down the stairs. I sit on the couch in the living room and decide to take teta's advice and stay the night in case any of them need anything, specially Layla.

Teta has already arranged a pillow and blanket for me on the couch. A smile forms on my face as i think of how kind and loving Layla's grandma is.

I think of how beautiful Layla looked tonight, she was such a simple yet gorgeous girl and the fact that she had no idea and tried to hide behind her plus sized clothes just made her all the more beautiful to me. And her cooking... Hmm I don't even know where to start... The Lebanese food brought back so many memories. Good memories. Layla is not only beautiful on the outside, but her beauty reflects on the inside too.. Plus she can cook some amazing darn food!

Ugh what am I saying. No more lovey dovey crap Adam. Get a freakin grip Adam!! Remember the last time you cared about someone? They died, they were murdered, they we-r... No don't go there! All in all they all leave in the end. Nothing lasts, why put myself out there when the outcome will be pain and just more pain.

Protect them. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. Yes I care about them, but only as a person with humanity and compassion.

I close my eyes and fall into a blissful sleep knowing that my two angels are close to me.


I wake up to someone poking me in my head, everything is hazy for a moment and then i remember last night and realize that this thing that is poking me is a tiny chubby finger that belongs to Melak.

Melak stares into my eyes, one hand still poking me while sucking on her thumb.

She looked so innocent and trusting.

She poked me one more time "Wakey Wakey, can we pway and washh dowaa de explowaw?" She asks in cheery voice while bouncing up and down.

A smile forms on my face.. How? How could a person like me who has never liked children before come to like this one precious child instantly?

I nod my head at her and watch her squeal with delight in response. I sit up on the couch and stretch, she takes that as a sign to start our little play date as she quickly climbs up on the couch and joins me.

Melak presses some buttons and the Dora theme song immediately started playing... Wow kids and technology these days... (Okay... I may have helped her a tiny little bit after she turned the tv off like 7 times).

This Dora the explorer girl took Melak to a completely different world. She sings and repeats everything this cartoon character says, I watch as her chubby arms move everywhere animatedly. Her chubby cheeks red from laughing and singing along.

Some people may find this annoying, but I don't... I find this completely adorable. Every child should feel this happy and careless at some point. Every child should feel the freedom of simply being a child. She doesn't know the unfairness, ugliness and cruelness that is buried deep in this world and I truly hope she never does.

A picture on the shelf catches my eye, it's a group of people hugging each other and smiling at the camera. I recognize Layla and her grandmother in the picture, and I'm guessing the other three people in the picture are her parents and brother. Layla looks so careless and happy, it looks good on her...I've never seen that look on her face before.

Once again I'm attacked by so many unanswered questions.. But the one that stands out the most is What caused this pain that's evident on Layla's face everyday?

Melak's soft voice breaks through my thoughts, she places her chubby hand on my cheek and asks "why yew sad?"

Her question catches me off guard.

"I'm not sad angel, I'm just thinking" I smile at her.

She looks at me curiously. "About what?"

I chuckle deeply, I pick her up and place her on my knees.

"I'm thinking about how beautiful you are Melak. You are the most beautiful princess in the kingdom of all princess... Including your friend Dora here!" I exclaim loudly and teasingly.

That earns me a big belly laugh from her.

The sound of her laughter is one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard in my 27 years of living and I realize the power that this little girl holds against me.

This angel sitting on my knees has the power to break through the walls I've built around myself. I need to be very careful from now on because they are so close to being knocked down....

I sleep wrote this chapter and I'm so proud of myself

I hope you're all having a good day
Rania, x

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