Chapter Thirty Five

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Early birthday present for Peace_Love_Reading you're one of my biggest supporters and I love you for that! I wish you all the best! x

On a side note, can you believe that Fix Me is still ranked #1 in spiritual???? I definitely cant!!! It's been over 18 days and the ranking is still that high! Thank you! x


| Layla's POV |

I'm on cloud 9.

And I've been this way for  what seems like the past 3 weeks, 19 days to be exact.

After that godawful yet heartwarming day, also known as the day I got humiliated, insulted & hurt in public, is also known as the day I got my first and second kiss... even third.

Back to my point, as soon as we got home, Adam told me he wanted to explain everything with a squeeze to my hand and all I could do was nod my head at him while feeling my heartbeats increase. After kissing my angel goodnight and tucking her in, and then changing into some comfortable pjs, I made my way back to the living room where a sweatpants and tight black v-neck t-shirt clad Adam was seated, waiting for me.

That night he took hold of my hands and explained everything to me. Everything from the battle with his feelings about his self worth to the latest threats he's been getting. Having him tell me that some bad people are still after my precious daughter and I, frightens me to an extent, but having them send the threats to Adam, telling him to leave us alone or they'll hurt us, scared me more than anything ever has. It baffles me, why someone would want to hurt a mother and her child when they haven't done anything at all? I've come across a lot of people who've been mean and hurtful towards me after the incident, most of my high school friends barely know anything, but that didn't stop them from coming onto me.

Adam apologized time after time that night, for making the threats come back because of him, even though I told him that he was not the one to blame. I can't have him blame himself for something as awful as this, this has nothing to do with him, I just had to face reality and admit that a heartless person out there somewhere is finding pleasure by what they're doing to me.

Deep down I know that the person after us, only started sending the threats and acting on them when Adam suddenly appeared in our lives, but I also have a feeling that this so called person has been watching my daughter and I for a long time.

Someone wraps their arms around me, breaking me away from my thoughts. I immediately know who it is.

"Morning beautiful, thinking about me?" Adam says huskily into my ear, resting his chin on my bare shoulder.

Shivers run through my body at his touch and words, I've been trying to get used to this, but it's not easy. It sends my heart into a whirlwind and my mind into a blank jelly cushion.

Maybe I shouldn't have worn my yoga pants and this tight tank top.

I small smile makes its way to my face. "Nope, just thinking about what I should feed your tummy this morning." I say popping the p.

He chuckles deeply with his arms still tightly wrapped around my abdomen. I've never told Adam this but I secretly love when he does this, his arms around me makes me feel loved and safe.

"Whatever floats your boat, babe." He says, slowly kissing up my neck.  Another thing I've started to love. Not the kissing, but the fact that he calls me babe... And um well the kissing is not bad either.

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now