Chapter Thirty One

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Thank you to ZoeySaidNot for the stunning fan-made banner she made me! I love it!!! Go check her out! x


| Layla's POV |

I pace around the room for the umpteenth time, am I ready? I should probably run and hide. They're gonna be here any minute now...

This is such a bad idea...

Our grand eventful breakfast happened precisely six days ago and I'm currently feeling like I'm a canon ball waiting to be released with the help of a flame. I'm a ball of nerves that is itching to explode. I'm not sure if I made the right decision telling Adam that I was ready to confront my parents and finally come out with the truth.

Am I doing the right thing?

Of course this is the right thing, telling the truth is always the right choice no matter what... Whether the truth could hurt someone or make them turn their back on you, it's still the truth.

Whether I'm doing the right thing now or not is still up for discussion up in my head, I feel like the weight on my shoulders has slightly lessened now that I know that the truth is gonna come out. I feel like my heart needs to come clean, I need my parents to know about what happened, I've kept the secrets to myself for too long now.

I need to tell them, if not for my own selfish reasons, then for my own flesh and blood, my daughter. It's not fair to Melak, to be kept in the dark, she deserves the world no matter the way I become pregnant with her, she is still human. She deserves loving grandparents, who would pamper and shower her with the love she deserves.

I want to hand my little angel the world, but my hand can only hold a small part of this so called world. Maybe with the help of others she can become cherished, just the way I dream for her to be.

Inshallah, they'll accept us with open arms.

This is how I find myself, pacing around the room, fidgeting with the hem of my peachy pink blouse not sure what to do while I wait for my mama and baba to arrive at Adam's villa. I've cleaned the humongous house from top to bottom so many times by now, I've sat and read Quran, I prayed my daily prayers and even put some extra prayers in there in case I've forgotten a long time ago... But the time still stands still.

After that eventful morning, which followed the even more eventful night we had at the hotel with all of the fancy people, Adam decided to help me. I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank Allah that I've had him by my side these past few days, I means yes I have my daughter, and yes I have Sami but it's still not the same.

Sami has been spending a lot of time with that friend that tagged along on his trip to us, I'm not sure who he is, but he seems important to Sami so I'm fine with that. Melak is another case, she is my entire world, but let's face it, her brain can only understand half a quarter of what I say, and most of the time her response is usually "joooos", or her favorite word which happens to be "no".

So having Adam here, with me for the past 6 days have been a blessing. From the moment I told him after we washed the dishes, he's been supporting me full on. He told me that he'd take care of it and that I should just lay back and not worry, which after a long argument is what I ended up doing.

In just a span of a few days, Adam and Sami teamed up in order to make this day happen.

The day I'm finally meeting my parents for the first time in about 2 years and 8 months...

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