Chapter Twenty Six

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🎉 *throws confetti over your heads* 🎉

So guys apparently "Fix me" reached #145 in spiritual (I had to remove the mature content thingy to get a rank... *sighs*) ANDDD my story reached over 5,7 K READS!!! SO THANK YOU GUYS! Thank you thank you thank you!

I love you all!

(Do you guys by chance happen to know how to advertise stories on wattpad? I'm still a newbie here so I'm pretty much lost!)

ANYWAYS, enjoy!!!! x

(Not edited)

| Layla's POV |

The blaring of my phone wakes me up from my deep slumber. I yawn and groggily search for the item of annoyance as I sit up on the bed. I find the phone under me, in between the sheets, I look at the caller ID and see teta's picture smiling up at me and that's when reality sets in.

The memories of the past few hours come rushing back.

Sami coming to visit.

My break down.

Telling Adam everything.

Heck, telling Sami everything since he stood at the door and heard.

Adam and I hugging.

His words.

Sami hugging me with all his strength telling me he'll be there for me and then putting me to sleep.

Tears of relief run down my face, who would believe that I have a few more tears left in me? My heart feels heavy but i feel so much better now, knowing that my brother knows everything now.

One less lie.

Less pain for me.

The blaring of the phone brings me back to earth.

I pick up the phone with shaking hands and look at teta's glowing face with tears making their way down my face. I answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Habibti Layla, Alsalamaleykom, I've missed you so much." Her voice greets me.

"Waaleykom alsalaam! I've missed you too teta, how are you?"

"Never mind me Layla, how are you? I've been
worried... you haven't been picking up the phone."

"I-I'm fine, Sami's visit surprised me a bit, that's all so I've been sleeping."

"Sami? He visited you?" Teta sounds so shocked that I was confused for a second.

"But teta, I thought you sent him here?"

"No, no Layla hayatee, I would never do that to you. I only told him that you married a nice young man for some personal reasons. I also told him not tell your parents, and leave it up to you until you're ready."

I stay silent for a moment and take in her words.

"He came here with his friend I think, I didn't pay that much attention but teta he knows everything now an- and you were right. He didn't turn his back on me." I say while wiping away the last of my tears while smiling to myself.

"Sami loves you. You're his only sister, of course he would believe you and inshallah soon you'll decide to tell your parents. I'm sure it's gonna be hard, but it's worth it in the end because I know your parents. They love you and they'll be there for you. "

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now