Chapter Fourty One

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(photo: just because I'm obsessed with
Grey's Anatomy!)
So this is the last chapter, I truly hope you'll enjoy it because I sure as hell loved writing it! I skipped studying physics AP for this so I hope it's good! There may or may not be an epilogue after this... Tell me what you think! I'd love to hear your opinions.

Vote, comment and share if you think this chappie is worthy of that! x

- Rania



| Layla's POV |

I slowly crack my eyes open and find myself being blinded by the bright light. I try to open my eyes wider but even the slightest light made me feel pain. I wince slightly as I try to sit up.

Oh Allah why does everything hurt so much?

My head is pounding, it feels like a pair of drumsticks are using my skull as drum. I feel like my whole body has been cut open, every single inch is pounding. Everything is blurry for a few moments before everything slowly comes into focus.

Sudden images flash into my mind, oh god no. Being in the park on our date. Telling him I loved. Him leaving me so suddenly. Dropping Melak off at my parents place. Looking for Adam. The disaster at home. The alcohol. The mess. The hurtful words. The tears. Telling him I loved him again. More hurtful words. Being kicked out. Driving. Someone coming up from behind. Being kidnapped. Being bruised and abused. The pain. The unbearable pain.

I close my eyes in pain. Both from the pain of the mere memories of the past events and the burning pain that I'm feeling all over.

I look around the room, and realize that I'm in the hospital and no longer in that deathly place filled with torture. I turn my head to the side and feel my heart sagging with relief. Adam is standing by the window, looking outside with what seems like deep concentration.

I gaze at him with love blossoming in my heart.

I heard every single word he said to me. I had no idea where I was or what had happened but I heard everything. Every word, every apology and every endearment. I even felt my heart hurting with him, I felt his tears splashing on my cold skin and I felt his heart breaking with pain.

It might seem impossible. But I did. I swear I did.

He loves me. Layla he loves you!

Somehow hearing those words being said to me while laying unconscious hanging on to life made my heart fill with hope and faith. I'm ready to fight back. Knowing that underneath all of that macho, rude, cold hearted Adam lays a warm, kind and loving Adam makes everything that I went through all the more bearable.

I was conscious of everything happening around me but I couldn't respond. I heard and felt everything but my mind didn't cooperate with my heart. I wanted to reach out and hug my little girl when she was sitting by the bed and rambling about everything and anything. I wanted to reach out and kiss Adam's eyelids when I felt his tears splashing on my cold skin. I wanted to kiss my parents on their foreheads when I heard mama and baba sit by me and make duaa for my wellbeing. I wanted to lean on Sami when I heard him recite Quran in a broken voice.

I wanted to do so much but I couldn't move my limbs. My organs were not cooperating with me when I needed them too. My body has suffered so much, I can tell by the pain I'm still feeling all over my body. I haven't heard what the doctor has to say about what I've suffered and my condition.

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