Chapter Eleven

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(Not edited)

| Layla's POV |

All the blood drains from my face. Who? Who would want us dead? I've kept my daughter and I out of people's way... I've done nothing wrong... I'm always respectful and kind. How dare they call my daughter a bastard? And how the hell do they know my secret?

Adam notices my distress and picks up the card from the ground which I dropped in the spur of the moment. I look at his face while he reads the words which I'm so embarrassed about. I watch his face lose all of its color.

"What the hell!" He says through clenched teeth, fisted hands by his sides his anger barely contained.

"I swear I'm not a uh a wh-whore, Adam and my daughter isn't a bastard." I say with my head bent down in embarrassment and shame.

Silence fills the air.

"No I know that Layla, but who would be trying to kill you guys?" He asks filling the silence.

"I-I-I don't know." I stutter with my head still bent down.

"Layla look at me." He says, his voice demanding authority.

I slowly look up, afraid of the disgust I'll see in his eyes but I'm surprised to find nothing but compassion and understanding in his eyes.

"Layla I don't know what happened to you in the past, and you don't have to tell me unless you want to. But I want you to know that I don't believe anything that card said, and never will. Whoever is behind this will get what he or she deserves. I promise you, I will protect you and Melak." He says with protectiveness lacing his voice.

His words knock me into silence.

"But why? Adam we don't even know you why would you do this for us?" I ask, sounding confused.

He looks taken aback, like he wasn't expecting that to come out of my mouth.

Adam runs his hand through his hair. "Look I don't know why I care, okay? I just don't want any harm to come to you guys. Don't go thinking this is more than it already is. Think of me as a friend, nothing more, a friend looking after his friends." He says.

I'm stunned into silence one more time. How come I'm always shocked or stunned around him? Why did he seem to think that I saw him as something more? No. No way. What is wrong with him? He is such a jerk. A self confident one!

"Don't worry I only see you as a brother, thank you for what you've done but we don't need your help anymore." I say firmly.

He looks surprised for a moment, but his emotionless demeanor returns immediately. Woah what's up with that?

He looks at me with cold eyes, the ones I encountered when we first met. I feel a shiver run through me.

"Oh really? You don't need my help? You've would've died in there!" He yells.

I flinch. "I-I said thank you." I say quietly but he doesn't seem to hear me because he continues yelling.

"Someone sets your house on fire on purpose and you're sitting here telling me that you can manage to take care of your family alone?!" He shouts.

What? It wasn't an accident? Someone actually wants to kill my baby and I? Tears immediately well up in my eyes, I try to keep them in but they spill down my face.

He seems to realize what he just said because he looks guilty.

"Is it true?" I ask, but I am only met with silence. "Is it true Adam!?" I yell at him.

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