Chapter Thirty Eight

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* oh and can you guys like please check the ranking for this story and message me what number I'm ranked? Pretty please because I'm assuming that my wattpad is broken, I haven't updated in so long so I can't be #1... It must be a mistake.

Thank you!


| Adam's POV |

The bright sunlight wakes me up from deep uncomfortable slumber. I groggily sit up and rest my head against the headboard as I feel a pounding headache making an appearance. The headache is like no other and from the smell of alcohol surrounding me I'm guessing I either broke my own promise and got drunk last night or someone broke in and poured alcohol all over the room. I'll go with the first possibility.

If I wasn't the amount of pain then I would probably be so angry at myself for putting poisonous alcohol in my mouth or even thinking of it. The pounding headache isn't letting me think of anything so I decide to head to the shower to freshen up and hopefully I'll be sober.

In the shower, I let the scorching hot water beat my face as I stand there motionless feeling something missing. Something feels wrong, like something bad has happened but I can't put my finger on it. My mind is still blurry and everything is unclear. I've never felt like this before, like I'm empty and dirty. I decide o finish off in the shower so I can head to the kitchen for some painkillers and a cup of strong coffee to get my mind straight again.

After finishing off and putting some clothes on, I head downstairs and stop at the sight before me. Broken glass is scattered everywhere, the furniture looks like it has been through a storm. Nothing is in its place, some wood bits are thrown here and there, even the wall is ruined. I could tell that I must have punched the wall at some point from the fist print and the few drops of blood. I look down at my left hand and only then realize that it's swollen and hurting like hell. I look at the few glass bits stuck in my skin, I look at my battered knuckles and then look around the room feeling confusion and anger filling me.

I sit myself down at the nearest seat and continue looking around. My heart sinks as I see the few photos scattered on the floor. I pick one up and feel my heart hurting at the sight captured in front of me. The photo is of uncle Murad with a pool of blood under his head. I pick another photo up, this time the picture is of Aunt Deena clutching her bleeding abdomen. I can't bear to pick another photo up, in fear that it's gonna be the one with Hayat in it. I feel a tear making its way down my face at the thought of sweet little Hayat hurt and bleeding, suffering the worst pain there is right in front of my eyes.

I cover my face with my hands and take a deep needed breath. I shake my head at the memories of the past as they come tumbling down memory lane. Everything I've tried to shut out of my life came back to me in a blink of an eye, through a letter to be more exact. I received a letter to my office two nights ago, which shouldn't be out of the norm, but what stuck was the fact that it was addressed to both Layla and I. I grabbed the letter and placed it in my suits inside pocket. Thing is I had completely forgotten about it since I was overly excited about our date, which went amazing, right until I ruined it. Or they ruined it.

I'd kill to know who they are. The people behind all the threats and disasters being sent Layla's way. The people aren't just anyone they have connections and I now know that they're aren't just messing around, more like they are ready to get their hands dirty.

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