(Not an update) Apology and clearifying!

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Hey guys I'm sorry this is not an update.

I wanted to apologize for not being able to update this past weekend but I'm hoping y'all would understand since we all have other responsibilities.

My top priority right now is my studies. And I wish that all of you understand that.

I'm not saying that I won't update ever, I'm just saying that my updates have become slower because school is slowly suffocating me and leaving me no room to do anything else. Literally. I have so many assignments due, homework and exams to study for... All for this freaking upcoming week.

I so hate my life right now, I feel like burying my head in my pillow and screaming my lungs out for endless days. Yes that's how much I hate my life right now.

Anyhow, I'm the master of complaining so i could go on foreveeeeeeeeeeer.

But Alhamdullilah for everything. ☺️

On another note, I've actually started writing chapter 41 however I'm too slow and unmotivated. My head is killing, I have migraines all the time and I'm sleep deprived. Thank you award goes to my school. HOLA.

I'm not sure if any of you realized this, but "Fix me" lost its rank as #1 in spiritual. It sure ain't happy news, I was disappointed at first but it is what it is. I had my turn, and I need to accept the fact that my book ain't the best.

Anyhow thank you for bearing with me and my story, hopefully the wait won't be tooooooo long!

Pray for me and make duaa, because with the pace my school is going at, I surely need it :(

(PS, I kind of promise you that I will complete this story before September ends as a birthday gift for myself and you guys. Only chapter 41 left and then epilogue. I think.)

Don't forget my book, and don't stop voting and commenting if you enjoy my book! It makes me happy!

Goodnight! I love you y'all!

- Rania

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now