Chapter Two

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(Not edited)

| Adam's POV |

"Adam, the name is Adam Hayek." i interrupted.

Im lost. Im lost in this beauty's eyes. I don't think i've ever seen a woman this beautiful, not anyone I've noticed anyway. Her hair so soft and shiny was put up in a messy bun. Her face was clear of any makeup. Thick, dark eyebrows so perfectly arched, a cute button nose covered in faint freckles...her full lips looked so soft and inviting, i almost took the chance to lean down and kiss her. Im in awe. How could someone look so beautiful without even trying?

"She's a stranger." i remind myself.

"Excuse me?" The woman with the breathtaking eyes says softly.

Oh shit, i just said that out loud didn't i?

She looked so afraid and vulnerable. I curse my stupidness and anger issues. But its not my fault her child bumped into me though.. Oh right the child! I almost forgot about the child she was clutching to her chest as if protecting it from me.

Yeah she better do that. Protect your child from the mess that is me. Everyone needs protection from me. Im no good for anything. Im damaged goods, a voice inside of me nags.

"Nothing. Just get out of my way." i demand roughly.

She flinches in response. Whats up with her... am i that scary?

The child she was holding picked that moment to turn around and stare at me with oh holy-! those freaking eyes. I find myself lost once again. Her innocent humongous hazel eyes stare at me with so much liveliness and trust. Trust that i ache for.

I dont know who this kid is, but damn she makes me feel alive. I feel the natural instinct to protect her from this cruel world that we live in and watch over her.

The last time someone looked at me with this much trust was wh- "Excuse me sir, im sorry. We'll just leave." The woman's voice breaks through my daydream or rather nightmare.

She turns around, picks up her speed and rushes out of my view before i get the chance to say something.

Talk about making good first impressions... Good job Adam you deserve a medal. Wait.. why do i even care. She is just a woman, with a child. Correction: she is just an angel, an angel holding another precious angel.

The last thought i have before turning away is that i have successfully driven another person away from me.

| Layla's POV |

As i lay my head down on my pillow i still think of those eyes. Those beautiful, mesmerizing brown eyes. I wonder what made that hateful, cold glint take residence in them. How could a person be so hateful and mean? Forget about him, Layla. He is no one. Just a rude person your daughter bumped into at the grocery store.

I cant help but wonder about him. Im so curious and i dont even know why. There is something about him that i cant put my finger on.

Every person has a story, a past, a secret. Just like i do. I wonder what his story is... what the story behind these warm brown eyes that can turn cold in a millisecond is. What caused that pain i saw in his eyes.

Ugh, never mind it doesn't concern you i think to myself, yet the last thing i see before i drift off to sleep is a pair of lovely unique brown eyes.


I sit  up in my bed, drenched in sweat. My entire body is shaking with my sobs. I feel numb. I cant go on like this. Oh Allah please give me strength, i need you. The nightmares wont leave me alone. They are slowly suffocating me, im afraid that someday i wont wake up from this ugly nightmare that i relive almost every night.

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now