Chapter Nine

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(Not edited)

| Adam's POV |

The instant the window opens, im greeted with a sight that could bring any man, even someone cold with a heart made of steel like me to their knees.

It could bring anyone to the brink of tears.

I look down at Layla's unmoving form, her arms lifelessly clutching a crying, hysterical Melak.

Melak's chubby hands are softly patting her moms cheeks, her tears flowing endlessly down her face and splattering on Layla's face, muttering something i cant make out. Her face has been covered by a strip of fabric, shielding her from inhaling too much smoke.

Melak's deafening cries jolted me out of my thoughts, i feel a lump form in my throat as i will my mind to work. Layla please be alright.

The flames haven't touched them yet, but the smoke is overwhelming, even i have started to have a hard time breathing. How is Melak still conscious?

I shout for help, directing the firefighters my way before i bend down to pick Melak up, clutching her close to my chest while holding the fabric over her face in place, her crying and wiggling making it harder. I gently put two fingers against Layla's neck to check for a pulse, and discover a very faint one.

"Keep on fighting Layla, do this for you girl she needs you." I murmur softly as two other firefighters burst into the room and rescue her out of this hellhole. I follow their lead with Melak in my arms.


After being surrounded by blaring sirens, paramedics with a million questions and seeing firefighters running here and there, the shock is finally wearing off a bit.

The paramedics asked me so many questions that i had no answers too, everything was in a whirlwind that moment. I was too worried to be able to help out, yes i am a doctor but at that moment i felt helpless, it felt like i was as weak as the patient with no knowledge whatsoever.

Being a doctor and all, i was always the one trying to heal and fix people's injuries but never have i been on the receiving end or lived through something as terrifying as what Layla and Melak had to endure. I got a glimpse of that tonight.

They didn't allow me to be Layla's assigned doctor, and somehow i am thankful for that. I dont think i would be able to think straight seeing her laid down on that god awful white bed that carries bad news more than good news sometimes.

So this is how i find myself sitting in the waiting room right outside Melak's patient room, yes that's right not outside Layla's room. Melak didn't suffer any major injuries, but is still staying in the hospital for at least two nights under monitoring. Layla placing a small strip of fabric around Melak and clutching her tightly saved her life. Her immune system is not as strong as us adults so the fact that she is still alive is a miracle itself.

The other miracle is Layla making it out alive. She had a few burn marks; one on her back, her collarbone and on her arm. There's a chance that they may be infected due to all the exposure. She also inhaled too much of that poisonous gas, causing her an infected respiratory system. The carbon-monoxide had been breathed in and could be flowing through her blood, this is probably one of the most major injuries one could suffer from a fire. So she was immediately taken to the surgical room to have an intubation procedure since she was unconscious and couldn't breathe on her own.

Yes its a miracle that she is still alive, but she is a fighter. She just managed to dodge one more of life's misfortune powered catapults, coming out with a few grazes and scratches here and there.

Layla is still in a coma attached to a ventilator, they have no insight of when she will be waking up or if it will be anytime soon. No visitors are allowed, at least for a few days to insure that the air she breathes and the environment she is in is as bacteria free as possible.

Teta is being kept overnight in the same hospital as Layla, but i haven't told her yet of the eventful disastrous night that left her family injured and her home burned to the ground. But i will tell her once she wakes up, even though i have no idea how to deliver the news to her.

The house is a different story all together. Layla's bedroom is the only room that almost survived the destruction of the fire, a few belongings left unharmed. The rest of the house is completely destroyed, wrecked beyond repair.

I've had three cups of coffee by now, but nothing is working. My adrenaline rush has weared off, my eyelids are starting to droop low, fatigue consuming me.

The last thought i have before i fall asleep is how the hell am i gonna tell Layla that the fire was done on purpose, not an accident at all... and about the note they found left behind.


Im writing too frequently so my ideas are nowhere to be found, Writers block has almost caught up with me.

(And I'm no doctor... Hmm yet? But I did some research about all the injuries and stuff so I apologize in advance if I got anything wrong!)

Anyways, i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and got some of your questions answered.

Rania, x

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