Chapter Eighteen

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(Not edited)

| Adam's POV |

The sight I see in front of me leaves me frozen.

Layla is sitting on the floor feeding a very talkative Melak who is sitting on her lap. But that is not what has caught my attention, but it's rather what I see on the table.

The wooden table seems to have turned into their own personal kitchen with a few things scattered on it. But it's the lack of things on it that leaves me feeling some type of anger. It this what she has been eating for a whole week?

The only things I spot are; two jars of chunky peanut butter, a bag of toast, three bananas, a few water bottles and a bunch of baby food jars.

I hear faint coughs coming from somewhere and realize it's coming from a very sick looking Layla. I stare at her with probably an open mouth. I'm still staring dumbfounded at Layla while she is still oblivious of my presence behind her as she continues blabbering away with her daughter.

Her wavy hair is in a messy updo with only a few strands of hair gone astray framing her face, it honestly looks like she hasn't combed it in a week. I look down at what she's wearing and smile a little to myself.

I've never seen a woman look this carefree, down to earth and all natural. And its honestly a breath of fresh air.

She is sitting crisscrossed on the grey carpet by the table wearing the most comfortable looking clothes I've seen. She is wearing tight fitting black yoga pants with an oversized deep maroon Harvard sweatshirt and those fuzzy colorful socks I remember her wearing before.

Wait a minute.. That's my deep maroon Harvard sweatshirt. Holy- wow I don't think my shirt has ever looked this good before...

Get your mind out of the gutter Adam!

"Nice shirt." I finally break through my thoughts and speak.

A startled looking Layla wearing black rimmed glasses looks up at me from her place on the carpet.

Beautiful. She looks beautiful.

"I uh-uhm I'm sorry. I just s-saw it and wore it." She stutters while a deep red almost crimson color tinges her cheeks.

"I've been looking everywhere for that shirt, turns out you had it.."

She fidgets in her place, playing nervously with Melak's curls. She looks extremely uncomfortable so I decide to drop it.

"What are you doing?" I ask, pointing at the plate with the half eaten peanut butter sandwich on it.

She looks down at the plate and then looks back up at me, confusion shining in her eyes. "Um, eating breakfast?" She says but it sounds more like a question.

"Yes I can see that, obviously... I meant, what are you doing sitting here eating that while there's a fridge stocked with so much food inside the villa."

She looks down with embarrassment, doing anything to avoid looking at my eyes.

"You kinda payed people to renovate the kitchen so you left me no choice but to make my own kitchen.." She mumbles.

"But the only things on the table are like peanut butter and bread Layla, this isn't a kitchen, it's more like a tiny part of a cupboard.."

"Again, you left me no choice. What was I supposed to do? Waltz into your house and eat your food when you've made it crystal clear that you oh so love having me and my daughter around you?" She asks, sarcasm lacing her every word.

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