Chapter Thirty Six

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Weird fact: I listened to Welak by Joseph Attieh the entire time I was writing this chapter.... Anyone else know this song?


| Adam's POV |

"Adam, why does this feel too good to be true?" Layla asks playing with the wedding band on my finger.

I comb my hair through her thick chocolate brown hair and stare down at her laying in my lap.

We decided on a quick trip to the local beach/park, and were currently sitting on the grass side right across the beach where kids and parents were playing freely. I was leaning on an old tree trunk with Layla laying down beside me with her head in my lap. Melak fell asleep soon after playing in the sand, leaving us alone in the company of laughter and trees surrounding us.

I gaze down at her flawless face that I've been obsessing over lately. My eyes roam over every inch of her beautiful face, trying to memorize her features to be put in the back of my mind for when she's not in front of me.

"I don't know Lay, I really don't. But I can tell you one thing, and that is that I've never felt this happy before in my life, ever." I say looking into her now green eyes with the help of the sun.

She looks startled by my words for a second before a slow smile starts forming on her face.

"Me too Adam... Me too." She replies back looking at me as if I hold all the answers in the world.

Melak stirs in her sleep making Layla turn around to slowly pat her back to calm her back to sleep. I rest my head back on the tree trunk and think of how far we've come in this relationship.

The past few weeks I've only put Layla and Melak as my first priority and nothing else. It seems like only yesterday we were sitting on the couch in the living room while I was massaging her feet and enjoying our time when she suddenly initiated the kiss. The kiss happened only a week ago but that same kiss took my breath away, heck it took all of my sanity away. From that moment on it seems like everywhere I turn, do or say revolves around her. Everything I do makes me think of her and I'm not sure if that's a blessing or a curse but nevertheless it feels amazing.

Things have been progressing very well lately, it's been about a whole month since we decided to give this "fake" relationship a real go.

And I'm so glad we did.

Because without Layla I don't know where I'd be right now. Slowly yet pleasingly I've earned back my faith and I can't believe I even stopped believing in God for even a second. I'm so ashamed of the fact that I've been on the wrong path this whole time but Im also very happy that I have Layla by my side to help guide me back to the right one.

Layla's progression is another story altogether...

To say I'm proud of her is putting it lightly, ever since that night, yes the unfortunate night where I had stupidly hurt and humiliated her thinking I was protecting her, Layla changed into a new person or at least that's how it seems to me. That night she opened up to me in a whole new way.

I saw everything beyond her tears and pain, I saw a small fragile girl yearning for someone to care for her. In her beautiful vibrant hazel eyes I saw the same little boy yearning for someone to care for him looking right back at me.

I felt connected to her.

And I regretted every single time I've hurt her or was the reason behind every little tear she had shed.

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