Chapter Five

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(Not edited)

(Layla's outfit in the image above)

| Layla's POV |

Its been one week since teta got discharged from the hospital. I lost my job due to me being home all the time taking care of teta. 

I never liked that job anyway, sitting in a office taking calls all day is no fun.. trust me. The only reason i kept going back to it day after day was to lessen the burden on grandma. My paychecks were used for grocery shopping and other needs such as clothes, toys, and diapers for Melak. I also use some of that money to buy teta some new dresses and abayas. 

I now have to look for a new job, one where i could still look after Melak and take care of teta.

Im still lost in my daydream until Melak splashes me with water. My shock slowly wears off.

"Did you just splash mommy with water you naughty girl?" I tickle her slippery body.

She chuckles deeply "yes mammy."

"Do you want me to stop tickling you?"

"Yes mama yes yes." She says while laughing and wiggling her body.

"Whats the magic words?" I ask her, smiling.

 "sowwyyy i laf you i laf you yew are da best mommy in da wowld stawpp" She says in between her laughs. 

I stop and wash her body one last time before carrying her out of the water. I shower her with kisses while dressing her in a all pink outfit. She doesn't notice as she is playing with her "abbit". One thing my daughter hates is being dressed. She loves walking around in just her diaper. Its a weird habit but very adorable. 

I walk into the living room with Melak in my arms. "Do you want some tea, teta?" i ask as i place Melak on her playing mat surrounded by her toys.

"Yes habibti, thank you."

"Coming right up, a cup pf tea for my beautiful teta." I say teasingly.

She laughs and goes back to knitting.

I go into the kitchen to brew some arabic chai for grandma and I and prepare some milk for Melak too.

I go into the living room and hand the bottle of milk to Melak, Im so grateful that she can hold it herself now, just one less thing to worry about. 

Melak squeals in delight and grabs the bottle like her life depends on it. I smile at her and shake my head. My daughter sure is a foodie.

I go and sit by grandma, handing her the tea and laying my head on her shoulder. 

She kisses my forehead and goes back to knitting.

Teta breaks the silence a while later. "Oh Layla, i almost forgot to tell you that Doctor Adam is joining us for dinner tonight." She says with a big smile on her face.

"WHAT?" i whisper-yell.

"Yes dear, i invited him because i wanted to thank him personally for taking good care of me."

But doesn't she know hat i hate having the male species around me. I always feel trapped and suffocated when a person from the opposite sex is around. I have no choice but to nod my head, how can i say something when teta looks so happy.. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time.

"Oh." Is all i can say. 

"Go wear something pretty, i can look after Melak for now." She says

I stare at her dumbfounded. Wear something pretty?????

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