Chapter Twelve

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(Not edited)

| Layla's POV |

"Habibti listen to me and think about it before you decline this offer, okay? So Adam being a gentleman agreed to you and Melak staying in his house for the time being, at least until you can get back on your feet." She says cautiously.

This has got be some sort of joke. Where are the hidden cameras? Im waiting for teta to crack a smile and tell me that this is all a silly joke.

"This is a joke, right?" I voice my thoughts.

This time Adam decides to answer. "I live in a villa that just happens to have a pool house too. It has a bedroom, living room, bathroom and even a kitchen. It's not like you'll be living with me, let me provide a place for you guys to stay at, it's for your own safety" he tells me sounding uncomfortable.

I look at grandma questionably, waiting for her to elaborate.

"Hayate Layla, I need to know that you guys have a place to stay at when I'm gone. I know you don't have enough money, and also that you lost your job because you were spending your time taking care of me. I love you for that honey, but you have no other option at the moment. Either you live there, or you come along with me and visit your parents."

That silences me.

But still. The teta I know is so religious. She wouldn't want me to speak to other boys who I wasn't related to, let alone sleep in the same house.

Plus she knows how I feel after what happened to me. She knows the fear that runs trough me when I am close to someone from the opposite sex.

Why would she consider this? I get that without this option we would be homeless. I know that the house was all that grandma possess, and now it's gone. And I also know that I can't ask my parents or brother for any money considering the situation I am in.

The only other possible option would be me searching for another job that actually pays enough. But even that option leaves me homeless for a while. Paychecks are given at the end of the month, and even then it's not guaranteed that I'll find an apartment that's within my budget.

"Teta this isn't right, and you know it." I say.

"Layla habibti, he's a respectful doctor, I trust him enough to leave my two girls with him."

That seems to stun Adam because he looks taken aback if that gasp, and his mouth ajar is any indication. He doesn't say anything he just stares off into space looking thoughtful. I think he needs to stay in the hospital more than me...

"Teta I don't know what this Adam guy wants from us. But I am not staying with him under the same roof." I say.

"Well technically it won't be the same roof since-" Adam adds, but I give him the stink eye before he even thinks about finishing that sentence.

"Teta, you haven't thought this through, it's not right in every type of way, one of the reasons is that I'm a Muslimah, and not only that but I have a kid with me. I will try to find something quick, I've got some savings." I say looking at teta.

"Layla, I have thought about this, but there's no other way. You don't have any friends, and my friends don't have the space. Your savings need to be used for other things, such as your hospital bills. I've payed about a quarter of the amount and that was all I had for the moment. The insurance company won't cut it."

Ahh crap. I didn't even think about the bills ugh stupid me. I've been here for four days already, and I need to stay for another week too. Not ONLY that, but I need to pay the operation, scan, procedure and the medicine bills too.

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