Chapter 18

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I walked through the woods by my house, anger coursing through me. My gums ached and as I got closer, the light from the fire burned my eyes. I could hear my mother and father talking clearly as if I were standing right next to them, but there was at least thirty feet in between us. All of my senses seemed to be better, everything was much clearer. I could even hear their hearts beating in their chests, pumping blood. Stopping at the entrance, they both turned to look at me. Happiness seemed to spread across my mother's face, anger across my father's. I could only assume it was because my mother had told him about Henry. "You ungrateful child! We've given you everything and you want to run off with some boy!" My father yelled, advancing on me.

"He's not some boy. I loved him and he loved me," I growled. He raised his fist, bringing it down to hit me, but I caught it, twisting his arm. His eyes widened and he cried out as his bones began to snap. Hearing his heart racing in his chest triggered something inside of me and I lunged, sinking my teeth into his neck. As he emptied, I pulled away, the ache gone. I ran my tongue over my new teeth as I turned to look at my mother. She backed up, terrified as I stalked towards her. Before she could do any sort of magic, I was in front of her, ripping her throat out.

I opened my eyes, my mother's face fading from my vision, but staying fresh in my mind. The shower turned off and a couple of seconds later, Nik walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Why didn't you wait for me? We could've saved water," I winked as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You and I both know, we wouldn't have saved any water," he mumbled, leaning down and capturing my lips in his. I sat up slightly, my fingers running down his chest to the top of the towel. He grabbed my hand, pulling away slightly to look at me. "I have to get back to the house before the workers get there." I lied back down, watching him as he got up, going over to the drawer that held some of his clean clothes. He was here a lot; he couldn't always go home wearing the same clothes as before.

"So, how come you didn't wake me?"

"I thought I would let you sleep. You don't seem to be sleeping well at night with all that tossing and turning," he told me, slipping his pants on.

"I toss and turn?" I asked, sitting up, confused.

He nodded, "And you mumble."

"I do not mumble!"

"Yes, kitten, you do."

"What do I mumble about?"

"Whatever it is you're seeing in your dreams. It's not exactly intelligible."

"They're more nightmares than dreams," I muttered, leaning back against the pillows.

"What do you mean?" Nik asked, sitting on the bed in front of me.

"I've been seeing Henry, different memories of him; when I killed my mother and father; Mystic Falls. And it's not just when I'm sleeping. I see flashes when I'm awake. I get a pain in my head and then they flash by. It only lasts for like thirty seconds before it's all over and the pain is gone. When it first started happening, the pain was only a dull ache, but the more it happens, the worse the pain gets."

"When did this start happening?"

"The other day, when all the ghosts were walking around, wreaking havoc. Bonnie was able to send them all back, but then this started happening. You know what, it's probably nothing," I said, throwing the covers back and going into the bathroom.


"Sweet dreams, Rebekah," Nik commented, closing the lid to her casket as Mindy walked up. "Show her to her room, love." She nodded, pushing it out of the room.

"So when do you think the renovations will be done? I'm excited to see the finished product," I told him, leaning up against the door frame.

"Soon. And hopefully I'll have my coffins back too."

"I'm surprised you're still in town. Nik gave you your freedom, you could have gone anywhere," I said, pushing off the frame and turning to look at Stefan.

"I live here," he retorted.

"Well, if we're playing this game, then I was here first," Nik retaliated and I rolled my eyes at how childish it sounded.

"You know, I don't like your hybrid friends. They're everywhere. Kind of like fleas. I want them gone," Stefan stated.

"Yeah, well, I kind of like having them around." Stefan sent him a fake smile. "You know, I'm hurt. I'd hoped that I'd free you and we'd pick it up where we left off, but here you are, guzzling vervain like the rest of them, I'm sure. So much for friendship," Nik raised his glass, just having poured himself another drink.

"Friends don't strip friends of their free will."

"Okay, granted yeah, that was a little extreme, but I get a little moody. Just ask my siblings." I chuckled, knowing how right he was. "Speaking of whom, isn't it time you handed them over?"

"Klaus, get your hybrids out of Mystic Falls or I will remove them myself," Stefan threatened.

"You see, if you continue to threaten me, I'm going to be forced to retaliate, kill people. And it'll get messy again."

"Do whatever you want, I don't really care. Or, you know what? Maybe I do. Yeah, maybe I care so much, I drop Elijah into the Arctic." My eyes widened.

"Well, maybe I'd be willing to lose one brother if it meant killing yours. Or maybe letting Ellie kill him. I know she's been wanting to do that for a while."

"Try me. Let's find out." They stared each other down as Mindy walked into the room.

"Everything alright?" She asked, standing not too far from Stefan.

"Everything's fine, Mindy. Stefan was just leaving after failing to make his point," I commented, crossing my arms over my chest as I walked up behind Nik. Stefan smiled before grabbing the saw off the table next to him and slicing Mindy's head off. I gasped as she fell to the floor.

"Well, one down," Stefan said as he turned around to face us. "You may want to, uh, send the rest of them away before it gets messy...again." Throwing the saw back onto the table, he walked out of the room.

So, quick update: I am currently trying to get the third book done, but I'm having trouble figuring out how I want things to go, you know, with the cure and the Nik/Hayley situation. I'm going to keep updating this book, but there might be a bit of a gap between the two books.

I'm going to try to update every other Friday. Hopefully I can remember to do it.

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015/2016.

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