Chapter 35

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"Kol?" My eyes widened, seeing the familiar face. Standing up, he held a hand out to me, helping me up. I immediately wrapped him in a hug, which he hesitantly returned. "What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to be in the same town as a hunter who is trying to take us down?"

"I didn't, but I couldn't stand to be away from it all. Sitting by a phone, waiting for some news. I couldn't handle it." I nodded. "Wait, why are you here? Shouldn't you be out with the others, getting Nik's body back?"

My mood turned sour, "I should be, but Elijah didn't want me getting involved."

"Why?" Kol asked, following me down to one of the many living rooms.

"He thinks I have some pent-up anger and revenge and that I'll ruin the entire plan," I rolled my eyes, plopping down in a chair.

"Do you?"

"They desiccated my boyfriend and then snapped my neck so they could take his body! Of course I have some pent-up anger and revenge!" I laid my head back against the arm of the chair, my legs draped over the other as I tried to calm myself down.

"They'll bring him back. Or at least, his body. They probably won't revive him for a while, just to teach him a lesson," Kol said, after a minute of silence.

I looked over at him, a sad smile on my face, "I know." We sat there talking for another hour before hearing the front door open. I jumped up, rushing into the foyer, Kol not far behind. Elijah's head snapped over to me as Rebekah walked in behind him, shutting the door.

"Well? Where is he?" I asked. Elijah and Rebekah shared a look and that's when I noticed their sad, tear-stained faces. "Bekah? 'Lijah? What is it? Where's Nik?"

Tears started falling from Rebekah's eyes as Elijah opened his mouth, speaking slowly, "There was nothing we could do. Alaric got to him before we could." As those words left his mouth, the world seemed to stop turning.

"No," I whispered, eyes going wide. "No, no, no, no." The love of my life, the man that I had been in love with for years, was dead. He was gone and there was no bringing him back. A scream echoed throughout the foyer and as tears started pouring from my eyes, I realized that the scream had come from my lips. Elijah went to wrap his arms around me, to comfort me, but I pushed him away.

"I-I'm sorry, Ellie."

"You're sorry?! How could you let this happen?! This wasn't part of the plan! You-You were supposed to bring him back!" I yelled, hitting him. He backed up, trying to avoid my fists as arms wrapped around me from behind. I collapsed to the ground, sobs racking my body. "He was s-supposed to c-come back." Kol's arms tightened around me as the tears continued to fall from my eyes, with no sign of stopping. Gently stroking my hair, Kol tried to calm me down and I could tell he was crying too, by the little sniffles he produced. After over an hour of crying, I had finally calmed down, drowsiness hitting me like a truck. Kol seemed to notice that I had stopped crying, so he wrapped an arm around my back, the other going underneath my knees as he picked me up, carrying me upstairs. I was too numb and tired to protest, so I let my eyes shut as he placed me down on a bed, pulling the blankets up around me. The door was shut softly, so as not to wake me, but soon after, I heard voices out in the hall.

*3rd POV*

"How is she?" Elijah asked, quietly.

Kol sighed, "She's sleeping."

"Good. After tonight, she's going to need it."

"I don't get it, Elijah. What happened?"

"Damon was supposed to be watching over Niklaus' body until Rebekah got there. She was supposed to bring him back, but somehow Alaric got there first. There's one thing that still confuses me. Niklaus said that it was his bloodline the Salvatore brothers came from, yet they're still alive. How could that possibly be?"

"Was he lying?"

"I don't think so. They didn't come from my bloodline, nor Rebekah's."

"They're not from mine, so it had to be Nik's." The door next to them opened, revealing a small, very red-eyed, and tired-looking Ellie.

"They're not from Nik's bloodline," she muttered. "They're from mine."

"And you know that for sure?" Elijah asked.

Ellie nodded her head, "I'm almost one hundred percent sure." She went to go back into the room, but stopped with her hand on the door, turning to look up at Elijah. "I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you. Nik – what happened to him – I know it wasn't your fault. Or Rebekah's." Tears started forming in her eyes again and she quickly turned away, shutting the door. The two brothers shared a look before Elijah walked away, going downstairs, while Kol opened the door to Ellie's room, going to comfort her.

*Ellie's POV*

Throwing his bag in the trunk, Kol shut the lid, leaning against it as he glanced up at me. I nodded slightly at him before turning to Elijah and Rebekah, who stood next to me. "I wish you weren't leaving me here to pack up all of Nik's things by myself," Rebekah scowled, arms crossed over her chest.

"I know, but I can't do it. I'm sorry," I told her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'll call you when we get settled, okay?" She nodded and I wrapped my arms around her, giving her a hug. We slowly pulled away and I moved over to hug Elijah.

"Your mother will kill you for this," he whispered in my ear.

"I know, but at this point, I don't think I care anymore. I have nothing else to live for," I whispered back. Pulling away, I turned, going down the steps to where Kol was waiting with the passenger side door open. I stopped at the car door, turning to the two siblings standing in the doorway of the Mikaelson Manor. A small smile made its way onto my face as I waved to them before getting in the car. As soon as I slammed the door shut, Kol was pulling out of the driveway and onto the main street, leaving town.

 Alright guys! This is it! This is the very last chapter! The Bloopers are up next, so keep an eye out.

I am sorry to say that the next book won't be out for a while. I am a lazy ass and haven't worked on it. Stay tuned and I will DEFINITELY send out an announcement when I'm ready to post.

Hope you guys enjoyed this book, even if there were some really dumb parts!

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015/2016.

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