Chapter 26

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"I assume you haven't talked to Klaus lately?" Caroline asked, handing me a drink.

I shook my head, "Not since that night."

"Tell me again why you did it? I mean, you seemed so happy with him, even if you weren't exactly 'with' him."

"I did it to protect him, Caroline. I couldn't risk him getting hurt if my mother found out. Can you hurry up please? I'd rather not have the Sheriff come home to her daughter patching up an Original. She'll start asking questions that I can't answer. And she's on vervain, which means I wouldn't be able to compel her to forget." I winced as she cleaned one of my wounds with rubbing alcohol.

"Sorry," she muttered, grabbing a bandage.

"I just wish he hadn't told me he loved me. It made it so much harder to walk away," I told her, readjusting my head on the pillow she had given me.

"So he's loved you this entire time? While you've practically been in love with him, he's really been in love with you?"

"Not the entire time. Just the past ten years, I guess," I said, slowly. "When he talked about that memory, that's kind of when I figured it out. And then when I was walking around outside, I just put the pieces together. The way he's been acting the past decade, the way he's been treating me. It's a lot different than before. I catch him staring more often, he compliments me more, buys me expensive things, like that dress from the other night. It's nice, you know, but I just wish it were under different circumstances, so that I could actually enjoy them." A tear escaped my eye and I sniffled. "God, I spent that entire night crying. I'm tired of crying."

"Maybe you should go talk to him," Caroline suggested, sticking another bandage to my skin.

"And risk my mother finding out about everything that I've tried to hide from her? You would be putting my body pieces back together instead of just bandaging them up."

"I still can't believe she did this to you. And all because you left the party early." She handed me my shirt and I slowly sat up, trying to slip it on without touching my wounds.

"She's a cruel woman." It was quiet as Caroline cleaned up the bandage wrappers and bloody cotton balls. "I went and saw Esther the other day," I said quietly and Caroline's head shot up.


I nodded, "The day after the party. I went to ask her if she knew how my mother could have possibly survived me killing her. She told me that there were a number of ways that she could have done it. She did a sort of witch test on me. She looked into my spirit or whatever and saw that my mother had linked herself to me. So if she were to get hurt, it would hurt me as well," I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Wow, your life really sucks right now."

"Thanks, Caroline," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

Here's your update!! I promise the next one won't be late!

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015/2016.

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