Chapter 32

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Groaning, I slowly lifted my head, feeling the pain in my neck. Opening my eyes, I looked around to see that I was in a classroom. More specifically, Alaric's classroom. The desk had a name plate on it with his name. He was nowhere to be seen. My body felt weak, my lungs hurt, my face hurt, and my hands hurt. Looking down at them, I realized why. He had shoved pencils through the tops of them, keeping them in place. A whimper slipped past my lips as I tried lifting my hand, but it was slammed back down again as Alaric appeared back in the room. He was carrying a beaker of liquid and a cloth. I cringed, smelling the vervain. "You're awake. Good," he sent me an evil smile, dipping the cloth in the vervain.

"What are you doing with that?" I asked with wide eyes as he walked over to me, ignoring my question. He wrapped it around my mouth, tying it in the back and I gasped. The longer it sat against my skin, the more it started to burn. It became harder for me to breathe as I inhaled it, my lungs hurting. Tears slipped out of my eyes as I sat there with him watching me. Alaric grabbed his phone out of his pocket, dialing a number. I heard Elena's voice on the other end before he started telling her to get down to the school or he would kill me. He hung up and smirked at me, going over to sit in his chair.

"Shouldn't be too long now."


About twenty minutes later, Elena appeared in the doorway, eyes going wide when she saw me. "Let her go, Alaric," she demanded, looking over at him.

He waved his hand towards me, "free her yourself." She hesitated before running over to me, crouching down in front of the desk. Her hands moved over my right one, getting ready to pull the pencil out. She slowly started pulling on it when Alaric came up behind her, shoving it back in. I screamed, a new wave of pain blowing through me.

"You said that you would let her go!" She yelled at him, backing away. My head fell forward as more tears fell from my eyes and my forehead dripped with sweat.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Elena? Stop trusting vampires!" He forced her to sit down before untying the cloth and dipping it in the beaker again.

I shook my head, "No, don't. Please no more." Elena stood up to get him to stop but he pushed her back into her seat next to me.

"This keeps the vervain in her system. It's like inhaling razor blades with every breath," he explained, wrapping the cloth back around and I gasped, face and lungs burning.

"Why are you doing this?" Elena asked, putting a hand on my arm.

"To make it easier when you put her out of her misery."

"What? No!"

"Isn't this what you wanted, Elena? For me to teach you how to kill a vampire? Well, here's a vampire, Elena. And she's one of the Originals, which means every vampire in her bloodline dies as well." He held the white oak stake out to her, "Kill her."

"This isn't what I want."

"Of course it is. All those hours you spent training, getting stronger. You could be a hunter, Elena. But you've never actually staked a vampire through the heart."

"Why are you doing this?" Elena demanded as Alaric paced.

"Because you need me. Because you're an eighteen year old girl without parents or guidance or any sense of right and wrong anymore."

"Look at you. How is this right?" She asked, gesturing to me.

"She's a murderer. Stefan told me her story. How she used to be a Ripper. That she enjoyed killing all those people. Not to mention, all of the vampires she's created that have done the same thing. Now how is that right? Listen, Elena, your parents led the council. It was their life's mission to keep this town safe. They weren't dead six months before you undid it all."

"You don't know anything about them," she glared.

"Why, am I wrong? Do you actually think that they would be proud of you? If you don't side with the humans, you're just as bad as them. Now kill her. Or I'll do it for you. And I'll make it hurt." He held the stake out to her, but when she didn't reach for it, he grabbed her arm and pulled her up, making her stand in front of me. Shoving the stake into her hand, he backed away. My eyes grew wide with fear as she raised it, but then swung around to attack Alaric. He grabbed her arm. "I thought I taught you better than that."

"You did," she said, grabbing the beaker of vervain and smashing it in his face. He screamed in pain as she ripped the pencils out of my hands. "Get help," she yelled as I ran out the door. I got as far away as I could before stopping and turning around to see if I was being followed. A hand covered my mouth from behind as an arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me back.

"Shh, it's okay. It's me, it's okay. You're safe." My body relaxed at the familiar voice. Nik removed his hand from my mouth, looking around the corner.

"He has Elena," I whispered, turning around.

"We'll save Elena. You go straight to my house, you stay inside. Do you understand?" I nodded my head. He went to move, but I pulled him back.

"Please be careful," I told him. He placed a kiss on my forehead before taking off. I stood there for a second before making my way out to my car, doing as he said.

I feel like this is a crappy chapter. If you agree, I apologize.

Sorry for the late update. Lots going on.

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015/2016.

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